Diplomacy in New York

September 20, 2023 - 23:37

In a commentary, Shargh discussed Raisi's participation in the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York. It wrote: American media editors asked questions about the release of Iran's blocked assets, the exchange of prisoners between Tehran and Washington, the possibility of other agreements between Iran and the United States, the future of Iran's relations with neighboring and regional countries including Egypt, Bahrain, the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Regarding the release of blocked assets and the exchange of prisoners, Raisi stated that these assets belong to our people and will be used to meet their needs. He also described the exchange of prisoners between Iran and the United States as a humanitarian measure and said definitely every step taken in line with the commitments would create confidence among us. Regarding the JCPOA negotiations, the president said the repeated violation of commitments by the Americans has caused an atmosphere of mistrust. Raisi also addressed the repeated accusations that Iran is delivering arms to Russia in its war on Ukraine war, saying though Iran has declared its readiness to accept convincing documents in this regard, no documents have been submitted by the Ukrainians.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Tehran-Baghdad joint step

In a note, Siasat-e-Rooz addressed the joint security agreement between Iran and Iraq on March 28, 2023, in which Iraq committed to disarm and expel the separatist Kurdish militants from the northwestern borders. The paper said: Iran has repeatedly and strongly protested the presence of terrorist separatist groups in Iraqi Kurdistan near the borders with Iran. The authorities in Iran have declared to both the central Iraqi government and the authorities in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) that Iran does not tolerate the activity of these groups and their armed and separatist actions from the Kurdistan region. Shahrivar 28 (Sept. 19) was the deadline for implementing the security agreement and clearing border areas in northwest Iran from the terrorist separatist groups. With the joint efforts of the federal government, the Kurdistan Regional Government, and the joint high committee of the two countries, these groups were transferred to a place far from the borders and disarmed. Therefore, according to the criteria of the UN refugee committee, they are considered refugees.

Iran: In dealing with America the language of power is important, not the language of negotiation

The Iran newspaper discussed the recent prisoner swap agreement between Tehran and Washington and the release of oil money frozen in South Korean banks under illegal pressure from the United States. In both cases, Iran adopted the language of pressure in dealing with the U.S. It quoted Fouad Izadi, a senior expert in international relations, who said: Not only Iran, but all the countries that are involved in conflict with the United States are aware that American authorities only understand the “language of power”. Americans do not understand the “language of commitment”, or the “language of negotiation” without facing pressure. Iran arrested people whose crimes of espionage were confirmed in court and in dealing with these spies Iran did not pay attention to external pressure. And further, to resolve the issue of blocked assets, which was another illegal move by America, Iran demonstrated its power. The issue of power was also experienced in the JCPOA, which means that the sanctions after the JCPOA were more than the sanctions before the JCPOA because the feeling of the American side was that the policy of pressure has worked and that is why Iran has come to the negotiating table. America adopts this policy not only towards us but towards all countries. Iran also demonstrated the language of power and did not allow the West to carry out a velvet coup in our country. 

Vatan-e-Emrooz: Iran has entitled to seek the profit of money blocked in South Korea 

Vatan-e-Emrooz in an analysis wrote: The South Korean news agency, referring to the statements of informed sources, claimed that Iran is studying the process of receiving interest on the money that was blocked in South Korean banks due to U.S. sanctions. An Iranian government official has said that South Korean financial institutions unfairly profited from these funds, and it is normal to return these profits to their true owners. Iran's request to release these interests has created a diplomatic challenge for Seoul, which is seeking to strengthen its alliance with Washington and its economic partnership with Tehran. Previously, a high-ranking Iranian official had declared that Tehran's complaint against South Korea due to the blocking of Iran's financial resources in three banks of this country still holds true, and Seoul may face damages of 700 to 800 million euros.

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