Iranian MP warns Israeli presence in Caucuses won’t benefit any party

September 12, 2023 - 22:34

TEHRAN – Seyed Mohammadreza Mir Tajeddini, a member of Iran’s parliament, has warned that the presence of foreign forces in the Caucuses will be detrimental to all regional countries, Fars reported on Tuesday. 

“The presence of other countries, including the Zionist regime and the United States, in this matter is not beneficial to any of the countries,” said the MP. 

He warned Israel that Tehran would not sit idly by and let the regime make evil moves. “The Zionist regime and the United States should be careful with their behavior,” he stressed.

The lawmaker urged neighboring countries, particularly Azerbaijan and Armenia, to engage in dialogue and refrain from escalating tensions, saying dialogue is necessary as the security of all countries in the region is intertwined. 

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has made more efforts than any country in the region to alleviate tensions between Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan. We have repeatedly stated our position on the Karabakh issue. We are an avid supporter of security and calm in our neighboring countries,” Mir Tajeddini added, warning that Iran would not tolerate any border changes. 

“The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly opposes any plan or scheme that disrupts regional security and hurts our neighboring countries. Changing historical and geographical borders is a move that would create chaos in the Caucasus region, leading to more tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan.”


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