Iran to upgrade missiles, drones

TEHRAN - Iran intends to enhance its military capabilities by upgrading its missiles and drones, the commander of the Aerospace Division of the IRGC announced on Friday.
Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh said that Iran’s military capabilities have leveled up significantly and the country now holds the upper hand.
“There was a time when the enemy was in an offensive position and we were in a defensive one. But nowadays our enemies need to plug their defense systems to stand against us,” Hajizadeh told the 24th meeting of the supreme assembly of the IRGC commanders and officials.
Hajizadeh added that some of Iran’s current military customers are superpowers that Tehran used to be unable to even contact.
He also commented on the pressure from Western governments, saying it acts as a two-edged sword.
Now that Iran has come a long way militarily the West tries to pummel Iran’s economy, the general remarked. Hajizadeh however expressed hope that his country can overcome its financial and economic issues.
The IRGC commander explained that various governments are currently pouring their efforts into hurting Iran. He urged military officials and authorities to fight the enemy’s seditious acts by staying alert and strong-willed.
Meanwhile, Iran’s Defense Minister Mohammad-Reza Gharaei Ashtiani has confirmed last week’s media reports that Iran has obtained the technology to make supersonic cruise missiles.
That means Iranian missiles can use ramjets to take off instead of Turbojets. Ramjets work most efficiently at supersonic speeds around Mach 3 and can operate up to speeds of Mach 6.
Iranian media revealed last week that Iran’s supersonic cruise missiles are currently getting tested. This would open a new chapter in Iran’s military capabilities as supersonic missiles are very difficult to intercept.
Ashtiani also declared that Iran has significantly increased its weapon production in recent years. “The production of solid-fueled ballistic missiles has been boosted significantly while the production of cruise missiles has almost doubled. Additionally, the production of defense missiles has grown by 45%,” said the defense minister.
The official also announced that the manufacture of military seacrafts, particularly speedboats, has seen great growth and gone up by 30%.
Iran’s military sector has notably improved in the past decade. The country has now turned into an importer of its domestic-made weapons. According to earlier remarks by the Defense Ministry spokesman, Tehran has had negotiations with around 30 countries which seek to buy Iranian armaments.
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