By Sara Atta

Women's safety, professional activities emphasized after Islamic Revolution

August 9, 2023 - 16:12
Women from the Leader's point of view - Part 25

TEHRAN – Since the very first days of its popular movement, the Islamic Revolution has emphasized the importance of the role and position of women in society as well as ensuring women’s rights in various fields.

With the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1977 [by the toppling of the Pahlavi regime (1925-1979)], significant changes happened in the attitude toward the role and position of women in society.

The country has taken extensive measures to improve health, education, and employment, ensure women’s security and combat violence against them, and increase the social presence of women through participation in decision-making positions.

Women’s political participation gained paramount importance as a large part of society’s citizens who can significantly affect society’s political development. Following the Islamic Revolution of Iran, with the increase of awareness and the expansion of higher education for women and the improvement of their capabilities, the share of women’s political and social participation underwent a vast transformation in a way that a special place for women’s political participation in society has been considered in the laws and regulations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran also identified political participation and involvement in decision-making positions as both a right and a duty for women. Both the -20Year National Vision Document and the Charter of Women’s Rights and Responsibilities, enacted in 2004, recognize the right to participate in policy-making and decision-making, hold managerial positions in educational and scientific administrations, be aware of, participate in, and play a role in determining the fundamental laws of the country.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with a number of educated and active women in cultural, social, and scientific fields on January 4, 2023, underlined the importance of employing efficient, experienced, knowledgeable, and wise women at various levels of Iran’s decision-making apparatus and expressed his satisfaction with the high number of women scholars and scientists in the Islamic Republic.

According to a report published by the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran in February 2023, the country has considered the right to benefit from appropriate health and treatment programs and facilities for preventing and treating women’s diseases in its international documents and national policies. The health system has taken extensive measures to increase women’s access to appropriate health care and treatment and improve the level of women’s health and health.

A significant number of measures have in recent years been taken to increase the quality of women’s sports in Iran, including but not limited to the formation of branches related to women in sports federations, the allocation of public sports facilities to women in all provinces of the country, and the allocation of funds to women’s sports – all of which have led to many global successes for women’s teams.

Women in Iran play an influential role in culture and science production. The share of women in media and press is also significant. Almost half of active media journalists and reporters are women. 

“Today, the absolute and relative number of female researchers, professors, scientists, intellectuals--who work in different areas and who are experts in those areas--poets and artists, such as fictional writers, poets, and painters, is far larger than the number of such women during the time of Pahlavi,” said Ayatollah Khamenei. (July 4, 2007)

One of the strategic goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in development programs is to uproot poverty, especially for women, by providing social security, financial support, entrepreneurship, and supporting cooperatives. Various institutions, including the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation and the State Welfare Organization (SWO) provide support and empowerment services to women and girls without custody.

“If the woman doesn’t have a safe and secure environment for her studies, work, possibly earning money and time for relaxation, this is oppressive. Anybody who is responsible for this type of oppression must be prosecuted by Islamic society and laws. If women are not allowed access to education--knowledge and awareness--this is oppression. If the situation is made in such a way that women do not have an opportunity, because of the amount of work and pressure from various other occupations, to work on their own ethics, religion, and awareness, this is oppression,” the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said. (October 22, 1997)

In addition to various government departments and official institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the private sector, especially the NGOs (non-governmental organizations), are active in women and family affairs and provide necessary services and training sessions. Non-governmental organizations in Iran, like in other countries, play an influential role in solving the challenges of women, children, patients, and other people in vulnerable situations, independently or in cooperation with government institutions. 

There are 2733 active women’s non-governmental organizations in various social, political, cultural, industrial, service, educational and charitable issues. In addition, currently, 18% of all non-governmental organizations are working in the field of environment and climate change, according to the report published by the High Council for Human Rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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