Hezbollah; Stronger than Ever

After the speech delivered on Thursday 13th by Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a shockwave encompassed the entire occupied territories of Palestine as the new realities of the region were put forth by Nasrallah with a clear tone and in explicit words.
Many social media users and official outlets concentrated on the part of speech which magnified the plans of Hezbollah for several disputed areas in southern parts of Lebanon which are currently either already occupied or being gradually occupied by the Israeli regime. Nasrallah made it clear that any infringement of those areas will meet the harshest response by Hezbollah and “will not be ignored”.
Amid the loud and rather chaotic discussions within Israeli official and unofficial media atmosphere over this topic, an Israeli media picked a different angle to look at Nasrallah’s speech today.
The article titled “the security establishment in Israel is confused over the developing crisis in the north against the background of Hezbollah’s threats” and focuses on the recent events, especially the chain refusals of the reserve units of the air force to continue their volunteer services, which are triggered by a controversial plan called “judicial reforms” and has dragged the occupied territories of Palestine into chaos for the past several months. “The reserve pilots who are still serving as active pilots in fighter squadrons have not informed their commanders as whether or not they are going to continue their refusal to report in as a protest to the judicial reforms. However, the army estimates that if the reforms and consequently, the demonstrations continue to soar, there will be a significant number of pilots who will avoid flying.
The protests in the army are not limited to the air force and there is a notable increase in protests and refusals withing the reserve forces of other divisions”, the article says. Ironically, a few hours after the article published, the reserve pilots informed the commander of the air force that due to continuation of the reforms, they will not attend the training from the next week on. A high-ranking military official claimed, “there are pilots with a rank of colonel and higher among the refusers”. Later on, the medical staff of the reserve units of the Israeli army also informed the commanders about their decision to avoid any further volunteer services as long as the judicial reforms are at hand.
Sealing the Deal with the Devil
On Friday July 14, 2023, the Zionist regime achieved and agreement with the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to stop the invasion of Jenin in return for the PNA gaining more dominance and control over the refugee camp. The agreement met with a variety of negative reactions, including from Israeli minister of national security, Itmar Ben-Gvir, who called the PNA a “source of terrorism” and condemned the settlement between the two parties. “In 30th anniversary of the bloody agreement of Oslo which claimed thousands of Israeli victims, we are cooperating with the Palestinian National Authority which encourages the terrorism, rewards the murderers who kill the Jews, and sues the Israeli soldiers in The Hague! Could anyone even imagine that this source of terrorism would work for our security?”, Ben Gvir wrote in a tweet in his twitter account.
Insulting Torah Now Accounts as Anti-Semitism, Like Everything Else!
After news broadcasted by some Swedish media about a permission issued by Swedish authorities to burn Torah in front of Israel’s embassy in Stockholm in an event planned to be held on Saturday, the deafening silence of Israelis regarding the ongoing insults to the Holy Books of other religions was broken and they, suddenly, expressed worrisome regarding the violation of religious freedoms in the West! The first reaction came from the ambassador of Israel in Sweden, calling this a “despicable move”, condemning the event. “I condemn the burning of the holy book of any religion which is a despicable move.
and disrespectful and totally irrelevant to the freedom of speech”, the ambassador said. This is while not just this particular official, but every other Zionist known-and-unknown figure was absolutely silent when the Quran was insulted in the same city a couple of weeks ago. An Israeli rabbi wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of Sweden, called the action “shocking” and accused the Swedish police of “supporting a serious and horrible action”. A member of Israeli Knesset, Moshe Gafni, called for an immediate action by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and said, “this is shameful, and we should not let that happen. I had a conversation with the minister of foreign affairs Eli Cohen and asked him to discuss the matter with his Swedish counterpart to avoid this from happening”. But the most confusing reaction was exhibited by the president of the World Zionist Organization who flashed the world back to the Holocaust fairytale and called this “not anti-Israeli, but antisemitism”! He said, “eighty years after the Holocaust, the symptoms we wanted to forget are reminding us again that we should be careful”.
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