The Judicial Reforms Moves One More Step Forward

As the first serious step towards the political/legislation plan of Israel’s governing coalition which is now gained a reputation as a “judicial coup d’état”, a majority of 64 Knesset members voted in favor of the first phase the reforms last night. After the results were read out, tensions broke out between the coalition members and the opposition.
One of the most controversial faces of these days, Itmar Ben-Gvir commented on the Knesset’s decision, saying “we started off with a rational argument. It’s time to return the power to the people and to stop the dominance of the military government”.
Israel’s opposition leader, Yair Lapid was so offended by the move that couldn’t hold his anger back. “The administration, like thieves, passed the law in the middle of the night and proved that nothing meets its interests but the anti-democratic corrupted laws” Lapid said.
As different groups had previously threatened to start demonstrations and strikes in case the reforms are approved, nearly all the cities of occupied Palestine witnessed enormous gatherings, protests, strikes, and closure of main streets and highways from early next morning. Most of these demonstrations met with the violent suppression of the police and security forces to the extent that even the press staff were not safe to stay. In one case, the photographer of Israel’s Haaretz newspaper was arrested and taken by the police. Some
Israelis who currently reside outside the occupied Palestine tried to join the demonstrations from other countries, but the Israeli officials prohibited their entry to Israel, and they were kept in airports of the origin for hours.
These protesters staged demonstrations inside the airport they were stuck in which caused problems for other passengers. Amid the tensions, a group of 300 reserve forces of Israel’s army from the cyber units announced their official withdrawal from their volunteer services. Another loud voice against the coup was that of Israeli Workers Union’s president who threatened to use the Union’s power if the situation escalates further.
Occupation Worsens
Abusing the muddy pond created by the controversial judicial coup, some Zionists force-evicted an entire Palestinian family from their home they had inherited from their ancestors in the city of Quds and handed over the keys to an Israeli/Zionist family to settle in.
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