U.S. involvement in Syria is flagrant breach of international law: envoy

TEHRAN- The unlawful presence of foreign military forces, especially U.S. troops, in Syria is denounced by Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, calling it a flagrant breach of international law.
Amir Saeed Iravani made the remarks while addressing the UN Security Council session on “The situation in the Middle East: (Syria)” on Thursday.
“The illegal presence of the foreign military forces, including the U.S. troops, in Syria is clear violation of the UN charter and the international laws and also the main source of insecurity in that country,” Iravani stated.
The following is the text of Iravani’s statement:
As highlighted by Today’s briefers and in the latest report by the Secretary-General on humanitarian needs in the Syrian Arab Republic (S/2023/419), the humanitarian situation in Syria has been significantly worsened by the devastating earthquake on 6 February 2023 and the needs of the affected population have reached their highest level since the beginning of the conflict.
Meanwhile, the insufficient funding of the humanitarian response plan is concerning and requires greater support.
The recent visit of Mr. Griffiths to Damascus on 26 June, where he engaged in fruitful discussions with the President and Foreign Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic, specifically addressing the humanitarian situation, is a positive step. We commend Mr. Griffiths for his tireless efforts and extend our gratitude to the United Nations and its partners for their unwavering dedication in assisting the Syrian people and diligently working towards alleviating their immense suffering.
The UN report confirms that the Syrian government's decision to open the Bab al-Salam and Al-Ra'ee border crossings, along with the subsequent three-month extension until 13 August, has significantly facilitated direct and efficient access to affected individuals. We commend the Syrian government for its constructive cooperation, which has played a crucial role in enabling enhanced humanitarian operations.
According to the SG report, the ongoing unilateral sanctions have impeded humanitarian assistance and access to vital services. Specifically, the sanctions have had a significant impact on two major areas, namely procurement, and payments, and compliance sections of banks have been rejecting or delaying the processing of financial transactions.
The report demonstrates that the alleged humanitarian exemptions are ineffective and impractical. We strongly emphasize the urgent need to repeal these illegal measures.
We also renew our call for humanitarian assistance to be provided unconditionally and in accordance with the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and non-discrimination. Political considerations should not obstruct the delivery of assistance to those in need.
Despite the clear emphasis placed in Resolution 2672 (2023) on the need to improve cross-line delivery throughout the country, there has been no significant improvement in cross-line delivery over the past month. The cross-line delivery serves as an essential legal means for providing humanitarian assistance, and its effectiveness is indispensable.
We support the provision of assistance through the cross-border mechanism. However, we reiterate our position that this mechanism is a temporary arrangement that must be implemented in a non-discriminatory manner while fully respecting Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
As one of the three basic pillars of Resolution 2672 (2023), early recovery projects serve a key role in improving the overall humanitarian situation and setting the groundwork for a sustained recovery in Syria. These projects should aim to restore vital infrastructure, including water, electricity, sanitation, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions, and prioritize demining efforts.
It is important that the United Nations and its partners continue to demonstrate steadfast support for these projects and work diligently to ensure their implementation with transparency and without any form of discrimination.
Iran remains committed to cooperating with its partners in the Astana process to achieve long-term and sustainable normalization in Syria. During the recent meeting held on 20-21 June, the representatives of Iran, Russia, and Turkey, as guarantor countries of the Astana Format, among various priorities, they emphasized the importance of facilitating the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their respective homes in Syria, while ensuring their rights to return and receive support. They also reiterated their opposition to the illegal seizure and transfer of oil revenues that belong to Syria and condemned the actions of countries supporting terrorist groups, including illegitimate self-rule initiatives in the north-east of Syria;
We highlight our support for the continued Syrian-Turkish dialogue, recognizing its crucial role in these broader efforts.
The fight against terrorism must be carried out in full respect of Syria's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and without using it as a pretext to violate these fundamental principles of international law.
The illegal presence of foreign military forces including the US forces in Syria constitutes a blatant violation of the UN Charter and international law and is the primary source of insecurity in the country.
We call for the immediate and complete withdrawal of these unlawful forces, which is essential to creating a conducive environment for resolving the crisis and restoring peace and stability in the region.
We support the resumption of the Constitutional Committee meetings at the earliest opportunity to continue the progress made toward resolving the crisis.
In this context, we are steadfast in our support of the Special Envoy's efforts and his active engagement with all parties.
In conclusion, we strongly condemn the continuous acts of aggression and military attacks by the Israeli regime against Syria, particularly those that target civilian infrastructure, alongside the persistent occupation of the Syrian Golan.
The Security Council must abandon its current double standard and address the malicious activities and acts of aggression by the Israeli regime that clearly contravene international law, and international humanitarian law, and violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic. Moreover, these malign activities not only destabilize the region but also exacerbate tensions.
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