MEK should leave Alania if they want to fight Iran: PM

TEHRAN – The prime minister of Albania has said that his country is no longer willing to continue to host the MEK terrorist group if they want to fight Iran from Albanian soil.
Edi Rama said the MEK group has violated the agreement according to which they were relocated to Albania from Iraq.
“We have had the MEK in our country for several years. They are welcome, but on the condition that they do not use Albania as a platform for their political operations. Our Iranian guests have repeatedly violated this agreement,” he said in an interview with the German Der Spiegel publication, according to Albania Daily News.
Responding to a question on the alleged hack of Iranian government computers in Tehran, the Albanian prime minister said, “Albania has no intention of being at war with the Iranian regime. Albania does not accept anyone who has abused our hospitality.”
He also said that Albania accepted thousands of the MEK members at the request of the Barack Obama administration.
Rama pointed out that the MEK has turned Albania into a trench in its campaign against Iran. “Our country is used as a trench in a war that is not ours, it does not work! Of course, they have every right to fight for their freedom, but to do so they must leave Albania,” the prime minister continued.
MEK is a terrorist group that moved from Iraq to Albania with American help. They reside in secluded camps with little access, if any, to the outside world.
The Interior Ministry of Albania announced last month that Albanian police conducted a raid into the headquarters of the MEK group. The raid was carried out based on the Balkan nation’s counter-terrorism laws.
“Today's operation was carried out in accordance with the laws and according to the ruling of the Supreme Court against terrorism,” the statement said.
The statement added that according to the agreement between Albania and the organization in 2014, the members of this organization had become refugees in this country only for humanitarian reasons, but they have violated this agreement by carrying out terrorist and cyber acts.
On Friday, a group of families whose relatives are stranded in the camps of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) terrorist group in Albania gathered in Tehran to demand the release of their relatives.
The gathering took place in front of the Turkish embassy which represents the interests of Albania in Tehran.
The demonstrators expressed appreciation for the Albanian government’s move in arresting some of the MEK members and called on Tirana to shut down MEK camps. They urged the Albanian authorities to liberate their relatives who are stranded in the MEK camps, according to Fars News.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson has emphasized the terrorist nature of the MEK and its recent skirmishes with Albanian police, stating that the anti-Iran terror group would always pose a threat to the security of its host nations.
Nasser Kanaani expressed optimism that Albania would “make up for its mistake of hosting this terrorist cult.”
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