Christopher Kul-Want’s studies on aesthetics published in Persian

TEHRAN – A Persian translation of art philosopher Christopher Kul-Want’s book “Introducing Aesthetics” has been published by Saless.
Mohammad-Mehdi Ebrahimi is the translator of the book first published in 2007.
“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, – that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” So wrote the Romantic poet John Keats in 1820. But what is beauty, and what is truth? These are some of the questions which aesthetics tries to answer.
In our everyday life, we talk about the “aesthetics” of an artwork or a piece of design. But aesthetics goes beyond the simple experience of art.
It is also a branch of philosophy concerned with the whole nature of experience itself, explored through our perceptions, feelings and emotions.
For philosophers, aesthetics crucially opens out onto issues of subjectivity and identity. This is because experience relates to the question of consciousness and, by implication, the role of the unconscious in shaping identity.
The subject of experience is also bound up with questions of politics, psychoanalysis and art and, more widely, with the vital issues of modernity and postmodernity.
“Introducing Aesthetics” is a lively and engaging tour through this vital field of inquiry.
Christopher Kul-Want’s incisive text is brilliantly adorned by Piero’s illustrations.
Kul-Want is the director of the Master’s program in art theory and philosophy at Central St. Martin’s College of Art and Design.
He is also the author of “Philosophers on Art from Kant to the Postmodernists” and “Introducing Continental Philosophy”.
Photo: Front cover of the Persian edition of Christopher Kul-Want’s book “Introducing Aesthetics”.
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