Albania police storms MEK headquarters, one member killed

TEHRAN – The Interior Ministry of Albania announced Tuesday that Albanian police conducted a raid into the headquarters of the MEK terrorist group.
The raid was carried out based on the Balkan nation’s counter-terrorism laws.
“Today's operation was carried out in accordance with the laws and according to the ruling of the Supreme Court against terrorism,” the statement said.
The statement added that according to the agreement between Albania and the organization in 2014, the members of this organization had become refugees in this country only for humanitarian reasons, but they have violated this agreement by carrying out terrorist and cyber acts.
The operation took place on Tuesday morning, when Albanian police took control of the MEK’s headquarters for an hour.
The police forces inspected the offices of the organization, all electronic systems, including computers, mobile phones, etc.
Some unconventional electronic devices, including a number of drones, were seized by the police.
During the inspection, the security forces faced the resistance and attack by some members of the organization.
The MEK confirmed the Albanian police raid in a statement. A member of the terrorist group was killed in clashes with the Albanian police.
MEK is a terrorist group that moved from Iraq to Albania with American help.
France bans rally by MEK
MEK also expressed fury after Paris police refused to grant permission for a major rally next month.
The so-called National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) alleged that the ban on the rally was the result of "pressure" on France by the Iranian government.
The group, that claims it has abandoned acts of terrorism, had asked permission for the rally in Paris on July 1 with supporters expected from France and across Europe.
Paris police did not grant approval for the rally as it is "likely to generate disturbances to public order because of the geopolitical context", a Paris police source, asking not to be named, told AFP.
Regarded as a cult by detractors, the group enjoys the support of several former U.S. officials such as former vice president Mike Pence and former national security advisor John Bolton.
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