Israel falling as resistance grows: top security official

TEHRAN- A senior Iranian security official on Saturday praised the “unparalleled resistance” of the Palestinian people and predicted that the rise of resistance organizations will bring down the Israeli regime.
The comments were made by Brigadier General Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), at a meeting with Ziad al-Nakhala, secretary general of the Islamic Jihad movement in Tehran.
Ahmadian further noted that Iran’s essential principles include support for the Palestinian people and resistance forces.
“We consider it our duty to support the Islamic Jihad movement in line with the idea of liberating Palestine, and we will continue this support with steadfastness and honor,” Ahmadian asserted.
The two sides talked about recent events in the region, notably the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.
“The spread of resistance throughout Palestine, while neutralizing the Zionists’ imaginary dream of Greater Israel, will mark their collapse,” Iran’s top security official remarked.
Ahmadian noted that current resistance organizations like the Islamic Jihad are taking the lead in confronting the Israeli regime.
The SNSC chief praised the continuation of the unmatched resistance of the Palestinian people and resistance organizations, particularly the Islamic Jihad, and further emphasized that resistance is the only way to achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian nation and liberate the holy city of al-Quds.
He went to add, “The 5-day war showed that the Zionist regime is declining and the resistance groups are rising.”
Stating that resistance to Israel “is the axis of unity among the Jihadi groups,” Ahmadian added that that the Israeli regime’s “divisive tricks must be thwarted with vigilance.”
“We unite to defeat enemies”
The speaker of Iran’s parliament also discussed the issue of Palestinian resistance organizations with Ziad al-Nakhala.
According to Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Palestine is the starting point of the resistance front and the most crucial problem facing the Muslim world.
He also emphasized the need for the Islamic nations to remain together in order to advance toward the ultimate triumph.
“Soon we will see the face of the resistance front stronger than in the past,” Qalibaf remarked at a meeting with Nakhala and his companions.
Additionally, he asserted that all of the territories under occupation are now dangerous for the Israeli regime, and that this is because to internal unrest, economic difficulties, a loss of a sense of identity, and a host of other problems.
The recent events in the occupied areas were brought up by Nakhala, who stressed the importance of maintaining solidarity among Palestinians and resistance organizations.
“We consider unity the basis of victory, and we believe that just as our enemies unite to fight us, we also unite to defeat,” the Islamic Jihad leader noted.
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