Latin America, backyard or bane for America?

In an analysis, Vatan-e-Emrooz addressed the president's visit to Latin America and its dimensions.
It wrote: Although today people like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro, the leaders of the struggle against old and new imperialism, are not present in Caracas and Havana, the collective consciousness and pride that has covered Latin America today and has blocked the maneuver of the Democratic and Republican governments in Washington, it is the product of enlightenment and standing of these two deceased leaders. Certainly, the synergy of the Islamic Republic of Iran with actors who have actual and potential strategic, commercial and political capacities, and have turned Latin America into a "bane for Americans" instead of a "backyard", is a kind of strategic requirement that cannot be replaced! One of the effective features of the 13th government is focusing on this huge capacity and trying to actualize its operational dimensions. So, it should not hesitate for a moment to advance its goals in this path.
Kayhan: The strategic importance of Bolivar land
In its editorial, Kayhan addressed the president's visit to Latin America as well and said: Iran's relations with Venezuela and with the rest of the countries in the region make the anti-Iran policies of the United States and Europe less effective and marginalized. This is while Iran’s absence in the region over the past years has caused significant damage to Iran's position and interests. Although Iran's presence in this region has a high economic benefit, it also has a strategic meaning with a global impact and can show the world the real capacity of the Islamic Revolution even in faraway lands and break the atmosphere of conspiracy against Iran in different environments. This may be inspired as a tension-causing attitude, but we have never forgotten that the American ships have not left the waters of our region for a moment since the last years of the sacred defense, that is about 35 years, and they have clearly spoken about the necessity of controlling Iran. Well, we can also challenge the enemy of our national interests in the Caribbean. Yes, it doesn't happen all at once, step by step and in the end making a big building in the way of Americans. Ayatollah Raisi's visit to Venezuela shows his attention to the importance of this region and its potential.
Shargh: Division of work between US and European troika to restrain Iran
In a commentary, Shargh discussed Ali Bagheri Kani's trip to the UAE and his talks with the representatives of the three European countries that are signatory to the JCPOA. The paper said: What was exchanged between Ali Bagheri Kani and his European counterparts in Abu Dhabi is independent and parallel to the American efforts. Because, from his point of view, "the Europeans, who adopted a stronger anti-Iran opinion than the Biden government during the last year's unrest, with the change of atmosphere and the formation of the initial theme for negotiations, rather than being worried about the nuclear issue, they are focusing on Iran's defense and military fields and Tehran's role in tandem with Russia." There is some sort of division of work between the United States of America and the European troika. The Biden government is seeking to control Iran in nuclear activities through independent and parallel negotiations, and the three European countries that are party to the JCPOA are also trying to push Iran in military, defense, missile and drone fields toward their own wishes.
Hamshahri: Iran looking for transcontinental allies to form new world order
In its editorial, Hamshahri addressed the importance of the president's visit to Latin America. It wrote: Currently, the international system is transitioning from a unipolar to a multipolar environment. Iran has always tried to introduce itself as one of the important poles in the world and has its allies by its side. The presence of China and Russia on Iran’s side as continental and regional allies has been one of the important factors in the failure of the domineering system in the international system. Therefore, the Islamic Republic should try to have transcontinental allies by its side.
Immediately after the president's visit to Venezuela, American officials reacted about this trip. John Kirby, the strategic communications coordinator of the White House National Security Council, asked Iran to explain the purpose of the trip to Latin America. This quick reaction of the White House shows how much the United States is afraid of the union of the Islamic Republic with South American countries. In fact, the Americans themselves have realized that the period of their undisputed leadership in the world is over.
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