National foundation for science to be set up

TEHRAN – Generalities have been approved for setting up the national foundation for science in the country.
Transforming the national fund for supporting researchers and technologists into the national foundation for science is on the agenda, IRNA reported.
The national fund for supporting researchers and technologists was established in 2003. Supporting the systematic development of basic sciences and humanities will be among the new missions of the national foundation for science.
President Ebrahim Raisi has said science and technology are the cornerstones of national development.
The chain of knowledge, research, innovation, and technology ensures sustainable development in the country, he added.
The national budget bill for the current Iranian calendar year 1402, which started on March 21, has earmarked about 37 trillion rials ($74 million) for science and technology.
The bill increased the budget by 35 percent compared to the previous year’s budget, ISNA reported.
The Vice Presidency for Science and Technology was formed in 2006 with the aim of creating an environment for supporting knowledge-based companies and providing the ground for the development of technological industries.
The country’s progressing process of development has accelerated with the emphasis on the formation of the technology and innovation ecosystem and the approval of laws for supporting knowledge-based companies and boosting Iran-made products.
Today, we are witnessing the positive effects of adopting the approach in the economy, culture, and daily life of people.
The Vice Presidency for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-Based Economy has reported that the sales of knowledge-based companies in the fiscal year 1400 (March 2021-March 2022) hit 4,000 trillion rials (about $8 billion) compared to the fiscal year 1399, an increase of 86 percent year on year.
Improving the scientific level of society, achieving high global rankings in the number of scientific articles, references, and patenting, reducing the illiteracy rate, and increasing the number of university courses and students are only a part of the achievements after the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
According to the latest statistics, a total of 8,046 knowledge-based companies are operating in the country.
The number of knowledge-based companies in biotechnology, agriculture, and food industries is 362, in advanced pharmaceuticals is 480, in advanced materials (chemistry and polymer), is 1130, and in advanced machinery and equipment is 1721.
Moreover, 326 companies are operating in the field of medical equipment, 1821 companies in electricity and electronics, 1778 companies in information technology, 397 companies in commercialization, and 31 companies in creative industries and humanities.
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