Two found guilty of blasphemy, disrespect for Islam executed

TEHRAN- Iran has hanged two individuals who had been found guilty of blasphemy, desecration of the Holy Quran, insulting Islam, the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and other Muslim sanctuaries.
The two individuals, Yousef Mehrdad and Sadrollah Fazeli Zare, were in charge of several online anti-religious organizations devoted to promoting atheism, hatred of Islam, and undermining Islamic principles, according to Mizan, a news agency run by the Judiciary.
According to the report, Mehrdad had established an online community focused on Islamophobia, the blasphemy of the Holy Quran, and disregard for Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his Infallible Household (AS), and he was using two separate user names for the purpose.
One of the accounts was associated with a mobile phone number in Iran, while another was associated with a fake French number.
Investigations that were both thorough and in-depth, as well as his written confessions, showed that Mehrdad had been quite active in promoting atheism and deriding religious sanctuaries.
In a single instance, he videotaped, uploaded online, and destroyed a copy of the Quran, the holy book of Islam.
Mehrdad was the administrator of at least 15 anti-Islam online groups.
During interrogation, he stated that he had been helped and abetted by Fazeli Zare.
The latter also utilized a fake French phone number to launch anti-religious websites.
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