Saddam, terror, and treason: What the MEK and ASMLA have in Common

On the morning of May 6, 2023, ringleader of the ASMLA group, Habib Farajollah Chaab (aka Habib Osaived), was executed. The ASMLA is a separatist terrorist group with Ba'athist and Pan-Arab ideologies operating in Khuzestan province.
The group was initially formed in the late 90s, but it officially started its activity in 2005 in the Netherlands and Denmark. Since then, the group has conducted dozens of terrorist operations especially in Khuzestan province which led to the death and injury of 450 of our Arabic and Persian speaking compatriots in this province. The details of the group’s crimes were published in the media at the time.
Now that the ringleader of this terrorist group is executed after having stood trial, the MEK terrorist group has issued a statement condemning the execution of this murderous terrorist.
It is no wonder that the infamous MEK terrorist group is supporting other terrorist groups such as the ASMLA. These terrorist groups share the commonality of acting against Iran. This commonality has also been shared by the ASMLA and Takfiri terrorist groups in the past few years. However, what the MEK, ASMLA and separatists in south western Iran have in common, which has enraged the MEK over the execution of ASMLA’s ringleader, is their Baathist view centered on the Iraqi Baath Party. The MEK were accommodated and welcomed as guests for over two decades by the criminal Iraqi dictator Saddam, and committed all sorts of atrocities against Iranian people. Regarding ethnic separatist groups including the ASMLA, one can easily find traces of Baathist and pan-Arab ideologies and enmity towards Iran in the statements of the groups’ leaders.
Osaived has been executed. Undoubtedly, he never imagined to stand before families of terror victims in court and face justice just like Jamshid Sharmahd, ringleader of Tondar terrorist group, and Abdolmalek Rigi, ringleader of Jondollah terrorist group, never did.
The MEK may not have such conception just yet. But eventually, the truth will be established and justice will be served. Leaders of the MEK terrorist group will appear in court in front of families who fell victim to their crimes.
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