Syria visit signifies a ‘milestone’ in ties: Raisi

May 5, 2023 - 23:0

TEHRAN- President Raisi early on Friday called his two-day visit to Syria a watershed moment in establishing economic, political, and security ties, stating that the purpose of the trip was to thank Syria’s government and people for their valiant struggle.

The two-day trip to the Arab nation is of utmost importance to both countries and the region, said Raisi at Mehrabad Airport in Tehran after his return from Damascus. “Given the Islamic Republic of Iran’s 12-year support for Syria-based resistance groups as well as the steadfastness of the Syrian nation and government against conspiracies and seditious plots of the enemies.”

According to Raisi, there are many opportunities and reasons for Iran and Syria to strengthen economic connections.

He also noted that during meetings with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, he mostly covered financial and trade-related topics.

The establishment of a joint bank and insurance company, the lowering of trade tariffs between the two nations, expansion of transit facilities between Iran, Iraq, and Syria, as well as the revitalization of Syria’s industrial, agricultural, and energy sectors were among the main issues covered in the 14 cooperation documents that the two sides signed, he explained.

“Strategic cooperation agreement opens new chapter in Tehran-Damascus ties”

In a separate meeting with Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous in Damascus on Thursday, Raisi also praised comprehensive agreement a for long-term strategic collaboration, calling it the start of a new chapter in “brotherly and friendly ties” between the two Muslim nations.

The Iranian president urged Syria’s prime minister to give special attention to the fulfillment of the accord and the agreements struck during his visit, and emphasized that the two countries should deepen cooperation in economic and trade fields so that their respective countries benefit greatly.

Arnous, for his part, praised Iran for standing with Syria during the foreign-backed insurgency and turmoil and vowed that the Syrian people would never forget Iran’s help during hard times.

He also expressed appreciation for the strengthening of ties between Damascus and Teheran and promised to take the implementation of the 14 cooperation documents that the two sides inked.

“Iran-Syria relations should improve for mutual benefit”

Also, in a meeting with a group of Iranian and Syrian business figures and entrepreneurs in Damascus on Thursday, Raisi emphasized the value of bilateral economic ties between Tehran and Damascus, saying that increased commerce will be advantageous to both countries.

The Iranian president stressed that Iranian firms aid Syria in the discovery of oil and gas, petrochemical engineering, electricity generation and transmission, and the sharing of agricultural skills with Damascus.

“Iran is Syria friend in tough times”

During a meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad on Thursday, the president also underlined that Iran is an ally of the regional nations in difficult times.

“Iran was a friend and supporter of the Syrian nation and government during the resistance period, and the brotherhood between the two resistant nations of Iran and Syria will continue,” he noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the president said that Israel’s expansionist and occupation policies had failed because of the resistance, particularly in Palestine.

“Fall of Israel is near”

During meetings with a group of Palestinian resistance leaders, commanders and intellectuals in the Syrian capital Damascus on Thursday, Raisi also said the Israeli regime is about to fall.

The president added that resistance is the only means to foil plots by the Tel Aviv regime.

He also emphasized the necessity of cooperation among resistance groups in the region and the larger Muslim world to swiftly overthrow the usurper regime, liberate the holy city of Al-Quds, and restore Palestinian sovereignty.

President Raisi headed to Syria at the top of a significant political and economic team after receiving a formal invitation from his Syrian counterpart, Bashar al-Assad.

Since the Arab nation was ravaged by foreign-backed insurgency in 2011, this is the first visit by an Iranian president.

The main objectives were to strengthen the Axis of Resistance and improve ties between Tehran and Damascus.

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