Tehran hosting 14th Iran Petrochemical Forum

May 1, 2023 - 12:54

TEHRAN – The 14th Iran Petrochemical Forum (IPF) kicked off at IRIB International Conference Center (IICC) in Tehran on Monday.

The inaugural ceremony of the event was participated by Rouhollah Dehqani-Firouzabadi, the vice president for science and technology, Majid Chegeni, the managing director of National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), and senior director of the country’s petrochemical sector.

Focusing on “Value Chain, New Opportunities”, the two-day forum revolves around eight topics, including: “Feedstock, products and supply chain”, “Solutions and advanced optimization technologies”, “Integration and coordination between petrochemical and refining complexes”, “Production process and market”, “Methanol market and its roles”, “Global energy crisis and future of the petrochemical industry”, “Investment and financial supply opportunities”, and “Energy optimization and production without pollution”.

As stated by the managing director of National Petrochemical Company (NPC), “Our today’s important objective of completing the production chain in the country’s petrochemical sector highlights the significance of holding this conference”, 

Morteza Shahmirzaei has expressed hope that IPF can pave the way to achieve all strategic petrochemical products in the world.

As reported, 15 countries, including the members of the BRICS countries (five leading economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as well as some European countries, are participating in IPF, which is a famous scientific conference in the world, and the latest products and achievements of the petrochemical industry are being presented and introduced in the two-day event.

Four workshops and an exhibition are also held on the sidelines of the event.


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