Iranian embassy in Algeria marks Quds Day with great patriotic fervor

ALGIERS - The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Algeria, celebrated, Thursday, April 13th, 2023, the International Quds Day; a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.
This-year’s celebration, under the slogan “The West Bank is the Shield of al-Quds,” was held at the embassy’s headquarters in Algiers.
At the outset, the President of Algeria’s High Islamic Council Bouabdallah Ghoulamallah, delivered a speech, calling upon Palestinians to draw lessons from Algeria's glorious Liberation Revolution.
“The Palestinians are called upon to follow in the Algerian people’s footsteps. They should draw lessons from the Algerian people's revolution for their independence,” stressed Ghoulamallah during the celebration held in the presence of many dignitaries, diplomats, deputies, religious figures, representatives of associations supporting the Palestinian cause as well as the representatives of the media.
"Today, El Quds is under siege," stressed Mr. Ghoulamallah, considering that “only France and the Zionists denied the existence of the indigenous of the countries they colonized”. He insistently recalled that “the Algerian people could only get rid of French colonialism through solidarity and sacrifice”. For him, “the Palestinian people are facing the same fate and only armed action would end colonialism”.
The President of the HIC did not fail to call on the Palestinians to take up arms and fight the Zionist colonizer. "The Algerian people declared war on French colonialism when they had neither weapons nor the means to defend themselves, only their resilience counted. Today, the Palestinian people have decided to rise up to face the Zionists. Palestine is surrounded by armies which derive their strength from the American hegemony which condemns the death of a Zionist, while turning a blind eye to the atrocities in Palestine committed by the Zionists who blatantly flout the relevant UN resolutions, laws of international legitimacy, and international terms of reference, and deny agreements in an attempt to impose the status quo policy, and hamper the building of the sovereign Palestinian state,” further noted the HIC’s President.
In this vein, he condemned, in the strongest terms, the abhorrent selective empathy and double standards of USA and some Western countries which “disregard the daily atrocities and crimes committed against the defenseless Palestinian women, men and children who are savagely attacked, tied up and murdered inside the mosque of El Aqsa”.
While thanking the Islamic Republic of Iran for the unlimited support for the Palestinian cause on all levels, the president of the HIC stressed the imperative to exert a real pressure on the Zionist Entity, the enemy of humanity, with a view to putting an end to its systematic violation of human rights and the enforcement of discrimination against the Palestinian people.
He also called upon the Palestinian factions to put on the shelf their domestic rifts, creating a united front aimed at addressing the onus fallen on their shoulders. A favorable atmosphere, he added, should be created to address the catastrophic ordeal the Palestinians are passing through.
Taking the floor, the freshly-appointed Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohamed Riza Babaie, said: “The International Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, decreed after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979. It was designated in solidarity with the Palestinians and in opposition to the Zionist regime. As you know, from the beginning of Iran’s revolution, Imam Khomeini stated that one of his goals was the liberation of Palestine from its occupant regime. After the revolution, all official ties to the Zionists were broken and Zionist’s embassy in Iran was granted to the Palestinians. When a new Zionist raid began in the south of Lebanon on Ramadan 13th, 1399 AH (August 7th, 1979), Imam Khomeini gave a speech in which he announced the last Friday of the month of Ramadan to be known as ‘al-Quds Day’”.
He added: “People across the world mark the International Quds Day to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and denounce the Zionist atrocities in the occupied territories as well as the besieged Gaza Strip. Today, people worldwide, including USA, and irrespective to their religions, and from all walks of life, are taking to the streets in massive numbers to support Palestinians who are facing the dangerous prospect of a sellout of their rights through the US plan, condemning Zionist atrocities, US and some Arab leaders’ policies. This is an occasion for us to celebrate, intensify and uphold Palestinian resistance to Zionism, colonialism, apartheid and occupation, recalling those whose lives have been stolen in defense of the land and people of Palestine, and to struggle for liberation from the river to the sea.”
He noted that “thanks to the policy of the unification of the ranks, the Zionist Entity is facing a growing resistance, most significantly over the past years, which have changed the equation in the occupied West Bank,” further explaining: “Gone are the days when the Zionist troops enjoyed the freedom to raid West Bank towns and villages to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians residing there. Today, brave Palestinians are conducting armed retaliatory operations against the Zionist regime’s occupation including at its many military checkpoints scattered across the West Bank. Those retaliatory operations have struck the heart of the occupied territories,” stressed the Iranian envoy.
He underlined that “the International Quds Day has turned into the symbol of unity, integrity and cohesion among Muslims and freedom-seeking nations worldwide. Palestine is a wound that was inflicted on the world of Islam by the Zionists and the mercenaries of the arrogant powers, and it has been made deeper on a daily basis. The Palestinian cause should not sink into oblivion in the world of Islam. For Iran, this central issue is a pillar of the foreign policy and a doctrinal and humanitarian duty.”
And to add: “As Iran pledges to support Palestine financially, politically and on all levels, and in face of the continued expansionist policies as well as the illegal and inhumane practices of the Zionist regime, depriving the oppressed people of Palestine from their inalienable and imprescriptible rights, my country proposed the organization of a national referendum in the land of Palestine, providing the grounds for the people of Palestine to exercise their right to self-determination. The said referendum should be held while observing the principled criteria in line with historical realities and in conformity with the democratic principles and the fundamental and imprescriptible rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the observance of international standards on elections; Therefore, such referendum could constitute a solid basis for the settlement of the question of Palestine”. He stressed, in this vein, that the proposal was registered in the United Nations by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The Iranian diplomat paid, on this occasion, a vibrant tribute "to the Algerian diplomatic efforts in favor of the Palestinian cause in all international bodies, and the full financial and political support in its favor, in particular President Tebboune's initiative to bring together the Palestinian factions in Algiers and the signing of Algiers’ Declaration".
While calling for "further enhanced Algerian-Iranian ties", the president of the Algerian-Iranian parliamentary friendship group, Moussa Kharfi, on his part, noted that "El Quds is the beating heart of the Palestinian cause and Palestinian unity is the basis of victory”. Similarly, Mohamed al Alian, representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Algiers affirmed that “the Zionist entity is a racist entity which violates all international agreements and conventions… its provocations are directed against 1.5 billion Muslims”.
“The Zionist Entity blatantly shows disdain for international human rights law, including two key international human rights instruments; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Convention on Socioeconomic and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), in addition to the continuous disrespect of internationally adopted provisions and principles in this direction,” he said.
The president of the Al Baraka association in support of the Palestinian cause highlighted that "the situation in El Quds augurs a new future for the Palestinians, stressing that the Zionist politicians and the military leaders themselves speak of the end of their entity. He noted that "800,000 Jews have recently left the entity for good".
The representative of the Association of Muslim Scholars, Moussa Abdelaoui, pledged “to support the Palestinian cause politically and financially”.
He recalled Algeria, the land of patriotism and martyrdom, the country of a million and a half martyrs, unwavering and principled position in favor of the Palestinian cause. “Algerians are known for their unconditional support for the Palestinian cause,” he said.
The official denounced the normalization process, recalling that the Algerian President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid, in his ?rst UNGA international speech from his of?ce in El-Mouradia, strongly criticized the Abraham Accords inked with the Zionist Entity, emphasizing that ‘Algeria will never trot fast to join the “normalization” process’.
Other participants took the floor, recalling President Tebboune’s initiatives in favor of the Palestinian cause, as he invited all Palestinian factions to a comprehensive meeting in Algeria which culminated in the signing of Algiers’ Declaration that unified all Palestinian factions, and dedicated 2022 Algiers’ Arab Summit to this noble cause, noting that Tebboune’s move was applauded by Palestinians and Algerians alike, who have a long history of intertwined solidarity.
“There is no doubt that when Algerian President Tebboune called the Palestinian cause “sacred and an internal matter”, he was truly speaking on behalf of the Algerian people whose history is marked by resistance against colonial powers. Algerians remain stick to their pro-Palestine stance, considering the Palestinian cause the mother of all causes. Their beliefs about national sovereignty and the right for countries to determine their own destiny are central, firmly committed to the principles of a sovereigntist governing ideology, based on their national pride, far away from any quid pro quo deals, capable of exercising foreign pressure on their country,” said, on the sidelines of the celebration, Hana Saada, a journalist, university lecturer and member of the International Association of Experts and Political Analysts.
And to add: “Algeria espouses the Palestinian cause, making the Palestinian legitimate struggle Algeria’s sacred cow. The Palestinian cause had been carved in the national memory of Algerians through generations. The Algerian people have shown numerous solidarity stands with the Palestinian people, especially during football matches that include thousands cheering for Palestine as football fans from stadium bleachers chant “Palestine Martyrs” (Falastine Al-Chouhada) as if the Palestine national team is on the field. She recalled the late president Houari Boumedienne’s famous line: “We are with Palestine whether unjust or oppressed,” a line which has become a slogan of all Algerians.
For his part, Syed Mohammed Abdul Kadir Bokreta Al Hassani, member of “The Global Gathering to Support the Choice of Resistance’ said: “We have to honestly admit that the Islamic Revolution in Iran was a great blessing for the Palestinian cause as it has played a significant role in the awakening of the Islamic world, as such, the Islamic Revolution of Iran has become a model for anti-arrogance and oppressive moves and the ideal of establishing an Islamic government among Islamic nations, posting a challenge to the Western camp and non-democratic Arab leaders”.
What is International Quds Day?
People across the world mark the International Quds Day to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and denounce the Zionist atrocities in the occupied territories as well as the besieged Gaza Strip.
These peaceful demonstrations come as a response to the call of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Imam Ruhollah Al-Khomeini, who announced, in 1979, last Friday of the Holy Islamic Month of Ramadan, Al-Quds Day, voicing a complete support to the Palestinian cause against the Zionist enemy.
This-year’s rallies, placed under the slogan “The West Bank is the Shield of al-Quds,” noteworthy, were of a special importance coinciding with the Zionist Entity’s atrocities against the defenseless Palestinians in El Quds, in a flagrant violation of international law and human rights.
They were, also, marked by many attempts by the Zionist entity to accelerate the implementation of its project aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause, in the face of the determination of the Palestinian people to free their land from the clutches of the occupier, despite the inertia of the international community that is turning a blind eye to this heinous crime. The sanctity of the third holiest city of Islam is subjected to unprecedented violations and almost daily attacks by the Zionist entity which seeks to Judaize it and create new realities on the ground, altering its historical character and demographic composition. Since the start of the Holy month of Ramadan, Al-Aqsa mosque has experienced great tensions against a backdrop of intensification of settler intrusions into the place of worship reserved for Muslims only, fueling a religious war over al-Aqsa Mosque. However, they were faced by severe resistance by the valiant Palestinians who aborted all despicable attempts aimed at desecrating the Holy mosque.
Attacking Palestinians in Ramadan has become a tradition for the Zionists. Last year, Palestinians were and (still this year are) subject to the denial of their fundamental freedoms through the systemic discrimination and subjugation, forcible evictions, and demolition orders of the Palestinian properties. The Zionist escalation against Al-Aqsa Mosque worshipers has resulted in the injury of more than 160 Palestinians and the arrest of dozens. These violations, which have drawn widespread international condemnation, were seen by the Palestinian authorities as a "declaration of war" against the Palestinian people.
In 2021, the Zionist Entity’s blatant violations culminated in spurring violence that claimed the lives of innocent women, children, and elderly during the 11-day war on the Gaza Strip that began on May 10, 2021, amounting to war crimes. There was a deliberate intention by the Zionist occupation forces to inflict more casualties among the civilians to push the Palestinian people to accept the “existence” of the Zionist entity. A total of 243 Palestinians, including 66 children and 39 women, were martyred during the Zionist attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip on May 10, 2021. Confrontations erupted, on May 13, across the occupied territories because of the Zionists’ attacks and restrictions on Palestinians in the Eastern part of occupied Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa Mosque, as well as a Zionist court’s decision to evict 12 Palestinian families from their homes in favor of Zionist settlers.
Palestinians are also victims, on a daily basis, of repeated military attacks, claiming the lives of several innocent civilians (men, women, and children), especially in the besieged Gaza strip.
The Zionists are committing violations against worshipers in occupied Al-Quds by preventing them from accessing places of worship, at the top of which, Al-Aqsa Mosque, the world’s third-holiest site for Muslims, resorting to an excessive force against them in a way that threatens their lives and most likely leads to death. The Zionist entity is committing crimes of apartheid and persecution against Arabs in the occupied territories, with a view to maintaining the domination by Zionists over Palestinians. The Zionist regime has become the sole governing power alongside extremely-limited Palestinian self-rule, where the Zionists are methodically highly-privileged, while Palestinians have been dispossessed, confined, forcibly separated, and subjugated by virtue of their identity to varying degrees of intensity. In certain areas… These deprivations are so severe that they amount to the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution.
However, the resilient Palestinians have risen up, showing exceptional bravery, resisting, in all means possible, this massive oppression by the kids-killer regime and have frustrated and depressed this forged entity. The “Saif al-Quds (Sword of al-Quds) Operation” in support of the al-Aqsa Mosque as well as the strategy of the unified ranks dealt a massive blow to the forged Zionist regime, from one hand, and highlighted the capacity and capabilities of the Palestinian resistance, on the other hand. This stage is a new beginning for the unity of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Occupied Territories of 1948, Palestinian camps and all the Palestinians across the globe.
To this end and following these victories, millions of protesters worldwide are determined to celebrate, each year, the International Quds Day, uttering the voice of the voiceless and carrying banners and chanting slogans against this blatant conspiracy against Palestine and the Palestinians. We can see, this year, slogans such as: “The West Bank is the Shield of al-Quds,” “Al Quds is the eternal capital of Palestine” and “Death to America” as well as “No to the deal of the century”.
The marchers are also carrying slogans condemning the attempts by some Arab rulers to normalize relations with the Zionist regime and their coordinated efforts with the ‘Deal of the Century’ plan, calling for the boycott of all plans designed to complete the Zionists ominous project for pushing Palestinians out of their lands.
These rallies shed light on the ironic will and determination of resistance to remain tremulous. The resistance axis, without doubt, paved the grounds for uprooting this purulent gland. In addition, and as stated by the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the International Quds Day constitutes a unique manifestation of unity among Muslims and all the world’s freedom seekers in expressing support for Palestine and disgust for the usurper Zionists; it also illustrates an unparalleled portrayal of unity among the people of the world to condemn the atrocities and occupation of the Zionist regime and abhor the racist and inhuman nature of the Zionists; the Quds Day also symbolizes resistance. Undoubtedly, the establishment of the illegitimate and forged Zionist entity has become the prime element of instability and insecurity in West Asia since 1948.
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