Iran, a Rainbow of Nature, Culture, Literature, Arts, and History

When you travel to Iran, as you travel from one city to another, it is as if you have entered a new world. Interested in knowing the reasons behind Iran’s beautiful diversity?
Iran is one of the loveliest destinations for those who are interested in culture, nature, history, anthropology, literature, and arts. One of the reasons behind this fact is that Iran is a rainbow of nature, culture, literature, arts, and history. Diversity is one of the factors that attract tourists from all around the world to Iran. The diversity of different tribes, languages, traditions, religions, and even lifestyles is also one of the reasons behind Iran’s colorful beauty. When you travel to Iran, as you travel from one city to another, it is as if you have entered a new world. Interested in knowing the reasons behind Iran’s beautiful diversity?
Diversity in Iran
Diversity is a visible characteristic in different aspects of Iran and Iranian life. You can even taste diversity in the simplest aspects of the Iranian lifestyle such as cuisine. Iranian foods are so diverse and there are options for different tastes of food in this country. In the following lines, we will talk about the reasons behind the diversity in Iran and the Iranian lifestyle, and we will mention some examples of each type of Iranian diversity.
Diversity in Iranian Ethnic Groups
Perhaps one of the reasons behind Iran’s beautiful diversity is that Iranian people have different races and ethnicities. Different Iranian ethnic groups such as Lors, Kurds, Turks, Arabs, and Baluch people are common in nationality and all of them unite under the same glorious flag with love and brotherhood, yet they have different cultures and traditions. It is a fact that racism is not meaningful in Iran at all, and different Iranian races do not consider themselves superior to others. On the contrary, all Iranian ethnic groups love each other so much, and good news for one Iranian ethnic group is considered good news for all Iranians.
Diversity in Iran’s Nature
One other factor that makes Iran’s culture so diverse, is that Iran is a four-seasoned country with a diverse nature. Having different geographical regions with different climates and environments, Iranian locals have different styles of clothing, cuisine, and lifestyle. Apart from the function of Iranian diverse nature in Iranian lifestyle, such diversity is so attractive for tourists who visit Iran at different times of the year and find every Iranian region exclusively beautiful with its unique nature and climate.
Diversity in Iranian Religious Groups
Diversity is also an obvious factor in Iran’s religious groups. Although most Iranian people are Shia Muslims, there are Sunni Muslims in different Iranian regions, especially in southern Iranian cities in Bushehr, Khuzestan, Hormuzgan, and Sistan & Baluchistan provinces. There are also other Iranian religious groups such as Christians, Jews, and Zoroastrians in different Iranian cities. Yazd province as an example, is home to the majority of Iranian Zoroastrians. In Yazd city, Shia Muslims and Zoroastrians live in peace and brotherhood, holding ceremonies and enjoying their festivals at different times of the year, with respect to each other. It is also a fact that such diversity in Iran’s religious groups has turned Iran into a land of different religious attractions such as Islamic mosques, Shia holy shrines, Churches, and Zoroastrian fire temples.
Diversity in Iranian Historical Attractions
As one of the oldest civilizations on the globe, Iran has diverse historical attractions that remained from different historical periods. In the simple category, Iranian historical attractions are divided into post-Islamic and pre-Islamic historical attractions. When you visit Iran, you can enjoy traveling to different cities and visiting historical attractions. Of course, there are historical attractions in almost every corner of Iran. The most important historical attractions of Iran are available to visit in Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Kashan, Tabriz, and Yazd. Anyway, there are many historical attractions from different historical eras in other Iranian cities as well.
Diversity in Iranian Arts and Crafts
Experiencing different historical eras and historical changes through the passage of time, Iran has diverse arts and crafts, each of which is a gift from a special age in Iran’s history. Iranian Islamic and spiritual architecture, Iranian traditional music, Iranian calligraphy, Iranian art of painting, Iranian theatre art, and Iranian handicrafts are some of the most important types of Iranian art and representations of the Iranian artistic spirit. Persian literature has a long history as well. Many Iranian poets such as Rumi, Hafez, Ferdowsi, and Saadi are world-famous, and people from all around the world travel to visit their tombs, be familiar with their life, and listen to their lovely poems from the lovers of Persian literature.
Final Words
All in all, Iran can be considered one of the most prosperous countries in terms of cultural, natural, and historical diversity. IranOnTour travel agency licensed under Iran’s ministry of cultural heritage, tourism, and handicrafts is one of the Iranian tour operators and travel agencies that works in the field of Iran’s incoming tourism. The IranOnTour team is doing its best to introduce Iranian cultural attractions to the world. If you are interested in visiting Iran and enjoying the deepest roots of Persian culture, IranOnTour is always there for you! By visiting the IranOnTour English website, you can also find out more about Iran’s culture, history, and tourist attractions.
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