558 ha of lands equipped with modern irrigation systems in Qazvin province

TEHRAN- As announced by a provincial official, 558 hectares of lands have been equipped with modern irrigation systems in Qazvin province during the first eleven months of the past Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022-February 19, 2023).
Nosratollah Nikou, the director of water and soil as well as technical-engineering affairs of the province’s Agriculture Department, said that establishment of modern irrigation systems in the said lands was conducted through 34 projects.
The official also announced that the modern irrigations systems are being established in 3,185 hectares of lands in the province, with over 55 percent progress in the related projects.
Over the past three years, each year, an average of 150,000 hectares of farmlands have been equipped with modern irrigation systems, and we have witnessed a 300 percent jump.
The Agriculture Ministry is also taking the necessary measures for supporting the domestic manufacturing of equipment used in these systems.
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