Chabahar ready to host new year travelers

TEHRAN –Chabahar port in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province is ready to welcome travelers during Noruz (New Year holidays, starting March 21), a local official has said.
A vibrant city with beautiful beaches, historical and cultural landmarks, favorable weather, and unique views, the city is prepared to host Noruz visitors and travelers, Eqbal Sadeqi explained on Saturday.
In this regard, tourism infrastructure has been developed and necessary have been made so far, the official added.
Chabahar is the only ocean port in Iran and the best and easiest access route of the middle Asian countries to free waters. Boasting various natural and historical attractions, Chabahar could be named one of the most underrated destinations in Iran. However, in recent years, various measures have been taken to promote the port as a safe and hospitable choice for both domestic and foreign visitors.
The collective province —Sistan in the north and Baluchestan in the south— accounts for one of the driest regions of Iran, with a slight increase in rainfall from east to west and an obvious rise in humidity in the coastal regions. In ancient times, the region was a crossword in the Indus Valley and the Babylonian civilizations.
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