Japanese ambassador visits tourist sites in Chabahar

TEHRAN – Japanese Ambassador to Tehran Kazutoshi Aikawa on Tuesday visited some tourist attractions in the Chabahar region of the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province.
It is the Martian Mountains, Lipar Wetland, and numerous coastal capacities that make Chabahar one of the most popular tourist destinations in Iran, said the ambassador, IRNA reported.
As a result of its sea communication network, Chabahar is well connected to different parts of the world, which is a great opportunity for both tourism and investment, he added.
Chabahar people have similar lives to Japanese people in terms of food and seafood and Japanese people love such areas that are close to them, he mentioned.
Locals call the Martian Mountains “Koohaye Merikhi” since it seemed as if aliens – in this case, people from Mars – built them, and their curvy scenery stands in strong contrast with the surrounding landscape.
The “Martian Mountains", also called the “Miniature Mountains,” provides a truly unique travel experience for tourists and nature lovers alike.
Lipar Wetland, also known as Pink Wetland, is one of the unique natural attractions of Chabahar, competing with only four similar wetlands in the world.
It looks pink because of the presence of planktons. The abundance of organic and mineral matter, which flow through the rivers and firths in Lipar Wetland, increases the number of biological processes in some seasons of the year.
Chabahar is the only ocean port in Iran and the best and easiest access route of the middle Asian countries to free waters. Boasting various natural and historical attractions, Chabahar could be named one of the most underrated destinations in Iran. However, in recent years, various measures have been taken to promote the port as a safe and hospitable choice for both domestic and foreign visitors.
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