“The Secret of Ahmad”: 25 years of research on Ahmad Motevasselian

Every year, a lot of news is published on the 13th and 14th of June about Ahmad Motevasselian. As compared to previous years, this year's news stories were about their definitive martyrdom, but where are their bodies?
Hamid Davoudabadi is a writer and researcher of the holy defense, who has been working on the fate of 4 kidnapped Iranian diplomats for years and published the book "The Secret of Ahmad".
* What made you interested in Haj Ahmad’s character and his story?
I have been following this issue since 1995. My first job as a reporter was for Farhang Afarinesh magazine, where I had a free hand. That's why I started writing about Haj Ahmad since until 1994, anyone could not ask questions about Haj Ahmad and the three diplomats, as if they were unwritten laws. Also, I had the experience of traveling to Lebanon, and that's why I wanted to go there and research this issue again.
During my trip to Lebanon in 1996, I had the opportunity to ask many more questions about this issue, but once I returned to Tehran, it was difficult for me to write about it. Little by little, writing about Haj Ahmed became a concern for me. In Iran and Lebanon, I collected the news and everything that was published about these few people and turned it into a book.
* What did you get from the publication of this book?
I didn't get anything special from the publication of this book, but this book was a very important push for some people to believe that they would go to Haj Ahmed's story.
After the book was published, I tried to find more people and struggled more to find the truth in both Iran and Lebanon. The truth was that a group of people did not want the story of Haj Ahmed to be followed up and the truth to be revealed from the beginning, and their efforts during these few years were all fake.
* But many people also claim that your efforts are fake and you are lying!
Haj Ahmad's family has not received any news or reports about him since I visited them. Even though I know they have spent more than 21 billion tomans on this issue in order to find the truth, no one was able to give me the right answer.
* So, does this mean that these 4 people were martyred and are not alive?
It appears that the answer is yes based on the evidence. However, it is unclear whether their bodies were brought to Tehran or if they are still in Lebanon.
Also, once in 2016, General Soleimani told me that the bodies of all of them are in Tehran and that they were martyred that night.
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