Academics say European Parliament decision on IRGC is ‘miscalculation’

January 21, 2023 - 22:51

TEHRAN- Prominent Iranian scholars have criticized the European Parliament’s recent move to label the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as terrorist, asserting that the call is the result of “miscalculations” made by European nations.

University professors from across the country denounced the “despicable move” in a statement on Friday while simultaneously expressing support for the “Revolutionary and popular” IRGC.

The statement was made two days after the European Parliament approved an amendment to a yearly report on foreign policy that urged the EU and its member states to add the IRGC to their list of terrorist organizations.

“European leaders have accurately admitted their failure against the Iranian country and realized the power of the IRGC,” the statement by the academics said.

“The IRGC is a legitimate and recognized armed force of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” they stressed, noting, “Designating a country's army is against all international laws and standards and has no legitimate or operational function.”

The academics also underscored that such a devilish designation would enable Iran to take retaliatory measures and view the militaries of hostile states as terrorists.

They said that the IRGC is the only well-liked military force in the world that has obtained a sizable amount of its strength from well-liked Basij forces. 

Pointing to the struggle of the IRGC against terrorists, particularly Daesh (ISIS), the statement said, “The IRGC has performed the most significant role in battling domestic, regional, and global terrorists.” 

Iran has been saying that if it was not for the braveries and sacrifices of the IRGC, Daesh would have turned Europe into a scene of battlefield.

“European governments should be appreciative to the bravery of the force,” the statement said.

The academicians urged European politicians not to “beat the drum of war” and put a stop to their animosity against the Iranian people.

On Thursday, the European Parliament approved a resolution asking for more sanctions against Iranian people and organizations as well as adding the IRGC to the EU’s list of terrorist organizations due to alleged abuses of human rights during recent riots.

The move has received condemnation and opprobrium from Iranian government and legislative officials, armed forces, and top military commanders.

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