FM recounts Qalibaf’s accomplishments during journey to Turkey

January 11, 2023 - 22:45

TEHRAN- Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has praised the Iranian Parliament speaker's participation in the trilateral parliamentary conference of Iran, Turkey, and the Republic of Azerbaijan which yielded fruitful results in clearing up misunderstandings between Tehran and Baku.

Speaking more specifically on the speaker’s attendance at the 13th Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), particularly at its summit meeting, Amir Abdollahian said on Tuesday that it provided an excellent opportunity. 

The speaker's trip to Turkey and attendance at the APA conference contributed to better understanding through parliamentary diplomacy, the top diplomat remarked. 

The Iranian foreign minister mentioned another accomplishment by Qalibaf during his trip to Turkey, stating that the events in the Caucasus were also a big issue.

“I think all of them are extremely outstanding parliamentary accomplishments at the highest level, and I applaud Mr. Qalibaf for all of them,” Amir Abdollahian continued. 

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