Human rights a political excuse to isolate countries

December 23, 2022 - 19:19

Considering the enemies’ conspiracy to isolate Iran in the international arena, the country's foreign policy should have been more dynamic, Zohreh Elahian, head of the parliamentary Human Rights Committee, told the Hamshahri newspaper.

The representatives of independent countries have emphasized that the unrest in Iran is a pre-planned scenario by the U.S. and its Western allies, the female MP remarked, adding the West implements this scenario mainly in countries that do not give in to the repressive policies of America.

“Human rights mechanisms have become a tool for some Western countries to advance their political goals. So Iranian ambassadors and political figures must work more seriously to show the reality happening in Iran and thwart the conspiracies,” she suggested.

Iran: ‘No’ to looting, extortion 

It has been the Islamic Republic, which through relying on people’s power and the eternal power of God, has said ‘no’ to looting and extortion of Iran by other countries, the state-run Iran newspaper wrote in its editorial.

To undermine Iran, formerly the enemy targeted “Islam” through falsification and liberalism, yet in the recent 70-day sedition and riots, they targeted ‘Iran’. However, neither velvet revolutions nor radical and brutal acts like those of ISIS will work against Iran.  

The period when the Iranian Kings trembled with threats and gave away a part of Iran’s land as a gift or gave it away for a cheap price has passed.

The anti-Iran individuals and separatists are angry because they hoped to topple the Islamic Republic and cause chaos in the country, but they failed and Iran remained unwavering, the author concluded.

Kayhan: Another achievement without JCPOA

The conservative Kayhan newspaper ran a headline ‘Another achievement without the JCPOA’, announcing that oil production has reached 3 million barrels per day.

During the past 16 months, the country has made many achievements in the fields of oil and gas, gas condensate and petrochemicals, all of which have been achieved without relying on the West, the JCPOA and FATF.

The increase in oil sales and income has been achieved thanks to the market policy. Unlike the previous government, the current government revolutionized economic diplomacy and established new economic cooperation with allies, especially neighbors, the publication said.

“They reported that the increase in Iran’s oil exports was due to the policy of the Biden government,” Kayhan quoted the Western media and reformists as saying.

But what is certain is that the policy of neutralizing sanctions and not relying on the West has been successful.

Sharq: New governance 

The pro-reform Sharq newspaper, in its editorial, discussed that attention to political and social issues and new governance is essential, otherwise the problems will remain unsolved.

In the future, Iran will face challenges such as depreciation of national currency, slow modernization, financial and budgetary constraints, employment crisis, declining purchasing power, neighborhood policy and development of the platform economy, technology dependence, low energy efficiency, as well as soil erosion, desertification, air pollution, sand and dust storms, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, floods, water shortage and environmental migration, the author wrote, asking if the next generations have hope for the future.

The government should know that it is not a super-government and even if its members are better than the previous ones, they cannot solve the shortcomings, and this makes it clear that if there is an intention to reform and prevent this destructive process, a new plan with a humble attitude is necessary, the columnist suggested.

Arman-e Melli: Change foreign policy

Arman-e Melli, warning about the unfavorable conditions, recommended three ways to fix the country's economic issues.

The first step is to improve international relations and not just look to the East; second, to stop effectively counter embezzlement; and the third step, which is perhaps more important than the previous two, is to stop the banknote printing factory in the central bank. 
“We should abandon the previous approaches and show that Iran intends to negotiate more seriously by changing some foreign ministry policies,” the publication proposed.


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