“The Winner”, “Adjustment” win awards at Barcelona film festival

TEHRAN – Iranian shorts “The Winner” and “Adjustment” have won awards at the 9th Barcelona Human Rights Film Festival.
Directed by Ali Keivan, “The Winner” received the award for best guide of the festival, which ended on December 10.
The film is about Vahid, whose new bicycle, which his father prepared for the race, is very similar to his friend Alireza’s stolen bicycle.
It also won the award for photography and art direction.
“Adjustment” was selected as best short fiction. In this film directed by Mehrdad Hassani, 9-year-old Shahrokh has to make a decision about whether or not to embrace their true gender identity, their true self in face of the intolerance within their family and village.
“El Rellotge del Meu Pare”, directed by Spanish filmmaker Francesc Palau Biel won the prize for the best documentary.
The film is about Joaquín, a dependent grandfather, who runs away from his home when no family member comes looking for him to celebrate his grandson’s anniversary.
Another prize for best documentary was awarded to “A Robot for Colcalamba” directed by Luciano Gorriti and Adrian Portugal from Peru.
“Children of Lead” directed by Martin Boudot from France won the prize for the best environmental film.
“Go Through the Dark”, a co-production between the U.S. and China by Yunhong Pu, was picked as best feature film.
Prize Letters, an award for journalism, was given to Andrei Kurkov, a Ukrainian journalist and the president of PEN Ukraine.
The Mirada Award, an award for audiovisual creators and filmmakers committed to human rights, persecution, censorship or even threats of oppression, went to the Colombian journalist Daniel Mendoza Leal.
The Veu Award, an award to social leaders, activists, carriers or communication professionals, was presented to Afghan politician Malalai Joya. As an MP to the Parliament for the Province of Farah, she publicly denounced the presence of warlords and war criminals in the Afghan parliament.
Politician and journalist Jordi Armadans won the Arcadi Oliveres Award, which is presented annually to a Catalan person or entity for the dissemination or protection of human rights.
Photo: Ilia Mashayekhi acts in the short drama “The Winner” directed by Ali Keivan.
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