330 institutions promote nanotech among students

TEHRAN – Some 330 institutions in the country have helped to promote nanotechnology concepts among students, IRNA reported on Monday.
Promoting nanotechnology among students is one of the measures that have a great impact on the development of this applied technology in the country and the training of efficient and useful personnel for various industries.
The expansion of nanotechnology uses in various branches of industry, medicine, electronics, agriculture, health, etc., has encouraged educational systems to provide education on concepts and topics related to nanoscience, which is taught at schools in many countries.
In November, President Ebrahim Raisi declared to implement the “National Document for the Development of Nano Science and Technology”.
Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council has also made efforts to create promotional institutions in this field in order to use the power and capacity of students for the development of this growing and efficient industry, and today 330 promotional institutions are active across the country.
Using 88 laboratories and their services is another effort of the Council to benefit the students and teachers.
National Document for Nano Development
In November, President Ebrahim Raisi declared to implement the “National Document for the Development of Nano Science and Technology”.
The document, consisting of 7 articles, was approved by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution on November 15.
Policy making and planning for progress in nanotechnology started in 2003 with the formation of a special headquarters for the development of nanotechnology, and accelerated with the approval of the first 10-year document for the development of nanotechnology entitled "Future Strategy Document".
In this document, Iran was targeted to be among the top 15 nanotechnology countries in the world and aimed to generate wealth and improve people’s lives. The general approach of the first ten-year document was the training of human resources and the provision of infrastructure for the development and commercialization of technology.
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