Iran starts to build nuclear plant in Khuzestan

TEHRAN – Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), announced the process of building a nuclear plant in Darokhvein, Khuzestan.
The 300 MW nuclear plant which has long been in the planning stage is known as the Karoun plant and is located in the small city of Darokhvein on the outskirt of Shadegan County.
Upon completion, the Karoun plant will be a pressurized water reactor (PWR) that will be fueled with 4 percent uranium and will supply the region with electricity, according to Iran’s state news IRNA.
It is expected to cost $2 billion, IRNA said.
Eslami, who travelled to Darokhvein to kick off the construction of the plant, said the plan to build the nuclear reactor is an old one and it was supposed to be built by foreigners but they reneged.
Eslami was accompanied by his deputies and a number of high-level nuclear officials.
He considered the project important for the southwestern region of the country, especially Khuzestan, whose studies had started many years ago.
“With the construction of this power plant, which is done using the maximum internal power and capacity, a new chapter will be opened in the capacity of nuclear industry and technology and the construction of atomic power plants. We hope to promote this industry in the country,” he said.
The Ebrahim Raisi administration announced earlier this year a comprehensive document for boosting the country’s nuclear development. The announcement was first made by Ali Bahadori Jahromi, the spokesman for the Raisi administration, and then the chief nuclear official of Iran provided more details on the nature of the document in question.
The Raisi administration unveiled “the Comprehensive Strategic Document for Nuclear Development” in April this year.
Eslami, who is responsible for preparing the document, said at the time that the document thoroughly addressed the status of the AEOI and the nuclear policy of the country.
“We tried to prepare a comprehensive document for the development of the organization by forming working groups consisting of all relevant and motivated people,” Eslami said of the document, according to Fars News.
The chief nuclear official added, “This document has passed the legal approval process and fortunately, in the first working days of 1401 [the Iranian new calendar year], we have a comprehensive document for this organization, and God willing, it will be unveiled on April 9, by the president.”
According to Eslami, the document includes all aspects of nuclear technology, the industrialization of Iran in various sectors, the Leader’s recommendations, and the spheres that have not been addressed yet.
Eslami pointed out that, according to the document, qualitative and quantitative targets have been set for the processes of the nuclear fuel cycle.
As regards nuclear electricity, the document sets the stage for the construction of power plants with a production capacity of up to 10,000 MW.
The head of the AEOI also revealed that his organization was in the process of building a 360 MW power plant in Darokhvein in Khuzestan. This plant, Eslami said, will be constructed by Iranians only.
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