Tourism minister honors Zilou weavers in Meybod

TEHRAN – On Sunday, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Minister Ezatollah Zarghami honored some veteran crafters for their efforts to revive Zilou’s weaving skills in Meybod.
The World Crafts Council-Asia-Pacific Region has named method a world city of Zilou, a traditional type of floor covering commonly woven in the oasis city and its outskirts.
Meybod won the WCC-APR status in October 2018 after a delegation of international experts probed the in-house expertise passed down from generation to generation.
According to UNESCO, Meybod is a remarkable example of the viability and transmission of human beings’ collective thoughts from different generations to the present one.
“What is significant in the city of Meybod is the regularity of city planning. The anatomy and spatial structure of the city show original plans which conform with the old Iranian city planning.”
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