Iran says IAEA declares dairy farm as nuclear site
AEOI chief says steps taken at Fordow, Natanz sites are on par with IAEA rules

TEHRAN- Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has stressed that the IAEA's standards and regulations form the foundation for the new steps taken by Iran at the Fordow and Natanz nuclear sites.
Speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Mohammad Eslami stated that political pressure and acts that demonstrate a disregard for dialogue would undoubtedly be met with retaliation.
Eslami also said that the AEOI had built new capacities in the Fordow and Natanz sites in accordance with the implementation of the parliamentary ratification to guard the rights of the Iranian nation.
Eslami spoke one day after the AEOI injected gas into new chains of new generation of centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear site and increased the level of nuclear enrichment at the Fordow site from 20 percent to 60 percent. The new nuclear steps were taken at the presence of IAEA inspectors.
In his talks with reporters on Wednesday, Eslami said all these actions had been conducted in accordance with IAEA norms and regulations.
The decision by Iran to expedite nuclear activities came in reaction to the adoption of a censure resolution against Iran at the IAEA Board of Governors.
The resolution, ratified on November 17, was drafted by the U.S. and the European trio of Britain, France and Germany, also called E3.
“As the IAEA Director General Grossi stated in his speech, political pressure and issuance of the resolution against Iran is not the solution, so problems cannot be solved by leveling accusations,” Eslami underscored.
Under the 2015 nuclear agreement, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran agreed to put limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for termination of economic and financial sanctions. However, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA in May 2018 in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and reimposed the sanctions and added new ones under the “maximum pressure” policy against the Islamic Republic.
Eslami said the remaining parties to the JCPOA, such as the UK, Germany, and France, were also prevented from fulfilling their responsibilities by the United States.
He added, "The International Atomic Energy Agency should deal with issues in a professional manner and in accordance with the 2015 agreement."
The IAEA board approved the resolution against Iran by claiming that Iran has failed to provide answers about three places in which nuclear particles have been found. The board claims these places are undeclared nuclear sites.
“Iran cannot accept their allegations regarding the undeclared site,” Eslami said, adding, “How is possible that they regard a dairy farm as a clandestine nuclear site?”
Eslami blamed Israel for fabricating allegations of undeclared nuclear sites.
“Such sham claims come from a regime whose hands are obvious in the assassination of our scientists, carrying out nefarious measures including inflicting sabotage on our nation,” he remarked.
The AEOI head also underscored that the AEOI would replace the new generation of centrifuges, including sixth ones, with the first generation if the parties to the nuclear pact take “realistic actions” and honor their obligations under the 2015 nuclear agreement.
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