Switzerland slaps sanction on Iran in pretense of support for Ukraine

November 2, 2022 - 21:45

TEHRAM - While Western nations continue to pursue anti-Iran actions under various pretexts, Switzerland has now joined the EU in slapping sanctions against Iran for allegedly supplying drones to Russia.

On Tuesday night, Swiss media reported that in response to Iran's alleged backing for Russia in the Ukrainian war, Switzerland's government had resorted to implementing sanctions against an Iranian firm and three of its individuals.

According to a statement from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), "the measures, against the business Shahed Aviation Industries and three senior military commanders, are set to come into action later on Tuesday following a decision by the economics ministry."

Shahed Aviation Industries, a business connected to the aerospace division of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps, is in charge of creating the Shahed line of Iranian drones, according to SECO. These have been given to Russia and are being deployed against Ukraine in the conflict, SECO continued.

Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri (Iran’s armed forces chief of staff), General Sayed Hojatollah Qureishi (chief of the logistics and research at the defense ministry), and Brigadier General Saeed Aghajani (commander of the drone unit of the IRGC aerospace force) are among the individuals who are subject to the penalties, according to SECO.

They are susceptible to entrance prohibitions, it said, adding any assets they may have in Switzerland will be frozen, and no further business may be conducted with them.

“Since Switzerland is not an EU member, it agreed to accept in principle sanctions imposed by the 27-nation union in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine,” it said in its conclusion.

Amir Saeed Iravani, Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the UN, has strongly rejected the idea of sending drones to Russia, calling the claim utterly absurd.

Tehran has maintained "a position of active neutrality" ever since the conflict in Ukraine first broke out, Iravani asserted.

Additionally, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran, has categorically denied that Tehran sent drones to Russia for use in the conflict in Ukraine and has stated that Tehran is willing to discuss the matter with Ukraine in a meeting.

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