By Fatemeh Saberi

Mahsa story: Reality vs disinformation

October 19, 2022 - 8:55

TEHRAN- "Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old girl, suffered a skull fracture and brain death on Shahrivar 25, 1401 (September 16, 2022) after being arrested by morality police of the Islamic Republic of Iran!"

This is a repetitive, false, misleading and emotional narrative about Mahsa Amini in the Iranian society.

This narrative generated ninety-three million entries in Google in one week, and the Mahsa Amini hashtag was strangely promoted by Twitter users! And with the influx of misleading narratives by numerous domestic and foreign media, the "feelings" of Iranian society were inflamed and people were provoked to pour into the streets. According to official forensic studies, Mahsa Amini's death was not a result of a blow to her head. Unfortunately, at the age of eight, Mahsa suffered hormonal and brain failure due to brain tumor surgery, which caused her to faint in the police station. And due to lack of effective resuscitation in the early moments, she suffered brain death and then a cardiac arrest. Therefore, an important question that can be asked in relation to the events that occurred after the death of Mahsa Amini is that why when preliminary investigations had not still been carried out and nothing had been determined, there were sensational reactions and protests inside and outside Iran?! Why do the US President expressed support for rioter in which he said “I want you to know that we stand with the citizens”. Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan also said “We continue to stand with them — not just in word, but in deed.”  Moreover, a bicameral group of American Congresspersons unveiled a resolution backing protesters in Iran. These expressions of support are examples of double standards and hypocrisy by the West. Examining the various dimensions surrounding this incident, along with the true story of the death of the young girl that broke hearts, shows that the Amini incident and the events surrounding it were not normal. 

Medical evidence: illness, not police beating!

Why did Mahsa Amini die? Was her death really due to police brutality? A CT scan of Mahsa Amin’s brain and lungs, physical examination of the corpse and autopsy, and pathological tests show that her death was not due to head trauma or blow to vital organs. The report by the Forensic Medicine Organization stated: Amini underwent craniopharyngioma surgery at the age of eight, which led to eruption of disorders in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and the deceased was using hydrocortisone, levothyroxine, and desmopressin as medicine.

The Mahsa Amini incident and events surrounding it were not normal. According to the report released on September 22nd, due to lack of adaptation of the body to the new conditions, which was the result of the disease, Amini had an interruption in heartbeat and a decrease in blood pressure. About Mahsa Amini’s death, Ehsan Sekhavati Moghadam, a member of the faculty of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, says: The investigation of the case that was conducted under the supervision of Dr. (Hossein) Qenaati and was examined from the viewpoint of forensic medicine, shows that she did not suffer from trauma (severe blow) in any way, and the most possible cause of the death, according to the video as well as the opinion of forensic experts and case studies, was cardiac syncope. The cardiologist noted: If a person suffers sudden fall in blood pressure or cardiac arrest for 2-5 minutes and is not resuscitated in this short period of time or does not receive shock, cardiac massage and medicine, he/she usually suffers severe brain damage.

Rebellion in cyberspace: evidence defeating feelings!

According to the survey of cyberspace experts, 62 million tweets were published with the participation of 400,000 users until Mehr 9 (October 9). Based on more detailed analysis, 76% of the users, including general users and non-bots, produced only 4% of the content of the tweets and the rest of the users produced 76% of the content of tweets. These statistics show that this strange volume has been formed in robot and quasi-robot, organizational and stream social networks! According to the medical examiner's statement issued on October 15 about the cause of Mahsa Amini's death, the largest volume of tweets was sent from 6/22 to 6/31, which reaches its peak on October 1! And this means that "reality" is not important, and it is "feelings" that are important! Perhaps this is the most important statement in the analysis of the story of Mahsa. According to experts, in today's new media-driven world, which is also called post-truth, "reference to science", "scientific evidence" and traditional media, which were a means of conveying messages, are fading. And this is "super reality", "augmented reality" and "fantasy reality" which, with the help of digital technology, form the "post-truth world". That means in this world there are "alternative facts" that replace real facts, and "feelings" gain more value than "evidence"! In the case of Mahsa Amini, we also witnessed some people were protesting without noticing whether any investigation is being carried out or there is a certainty about her death.

They were influenced by the virtual world and the prevailing atmosphere of emerging media coupled with boiling of emotions. And finally, the course of civil protests turned into riots inside and outside the country. In the following weeks, the results of the medical investigation were revealed.  By considering the past medical records, CT scan of the brain and lungs, physical examination of the body and autopsy, pathology tests it finally became clear that Mahsa Amini had not died because of a blow to her head or vital body organs. This is why paying attention to the "post-truth world" has gained great importance in view of the analysis of political and social events since 2016, especially after two important events: "Brexit" and "Trump's presidency in America".

Hijab law: from protest to boycott?!

The "hijab law" in Iran, apart from being a divine decree, is rooted in the culture and customs of Iranian society. It is also embodied in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Moreover, it is based on the "social-ethical tradition," which has been part of the Iranian people’s life for a thousand years. But the law is always challenged by supporters of the "liberal tradition" and the tradition of "republicanism". And they have repeatedly turned the issue of women's hijab in Iran, under the debates of "freedom" and "human rights", into a means for political pressure and numerous sanctions against the Islamic Republic. But it has been observed for many years that these same European countries, including France - whose constitution is based on "liberal tradition", bans wearing hijab in public places like schools and sports competitions. However, police in France openly arrests, tries and humiliates Muslim women for violating the law! Or numerous cases of rape against women in France, which has always faced objection from women's rights activists! All of these confirm that the double standards by liberal countries are unacceptable and they are against the legalized traditions of other countries and "human rights laws".

Women's issue: a powerful tool of sanctions!

The term “women's rights” has been widely used in many areas. And during the last few decades, discussions about women have become one of the important areas of global social movements. Women's rights activists say it is time to realize the full potential of half of the world's population. They believe that all over the world, women and girls are deprived of their social, economic, political and civil rights. In the book "Global Democracy, Social Movements and Feminism", Catherine Eschel presents a range of approaches in social and political thought - from liberal, republican, Marxist and anarchist traditions - to post-Marxist and post-modernist innovations, etc. under feminist theory. Although "Islamic tradition" is not discussed in this book, it expresses the plurality of views under "feminist theory". But in Iran, we see that women's activists usually raise their demands according to the "liberal tradition" and some common global traditions by paying attention to the social and moral tradition of the Islamic country of Iran. And this causes these demands to become radical and fanatical and therefore derail the demands and rights of women in Iran from their original path. And in most cases, it becomes a tool for maximum media pressure and human rights campaign against the Islamic Republic. For example, Masih Alinejad, a former Iranian journalist, who lives in America and enjoys the country’s financial, political and even security assistance, has now become a mouthpiece among women to realize liberal values ??in Iranian society.  She has formed numerous women's movements against hijab and even launched campaigns for regime change in Iran with the help of the U.S. government and capitalist media. She has provoked the Iranian people and women to protest. Her deceitful freedom movements, including “White Wednesdays”, have been aimed at creating rebellion against hijab and laws in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

West Asia: popular movements from the beginning to the end

The history of the Iranian people over the last one hundred years has been ripe with seeking freedom and independence. And the Iranian nation have shown that they are the most progressive nation in the West Asian region in achieving independence and popular sovereignty. However, it has always faced unjustifiable interference both from ??domestic tyranny and external invasions, especially by hegemonic countries. The first widespread social movement of the Iranian people took place in 1284-1285 (1905 -1906), which led to the formation of Constitution, National Assembly and Constitutional Monarchy. But the movement eventually degenerated into the Reza Shah dictatorship and the new Pahlavi monarchy with the British government appointing a dictator named Sardar Sepeh. Or the same thing happened on August 28, 1953. The struggle of the Iranian people to nationalize oil industry began in 1329 (1950), but the movement was suppressed by the 1332 (1953) coup. And the legal government of Mohammed Mossadegh was overthrown this time not by the British but by the Americans. In 2016, a collection of documents was published, which showed that America directly played a role in toppling the elected government of Mohammad Mossadegh. According to these documents, Washington planned to overthrow Mossadegh's government and directly managed the coup. With the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the loss of America's “island of stability” in the West Asia region, America's interference did not end. And in numerous domestic and foreign incidents, the hidden and open hands of America's destructive policies have always been visible against the "national interests of Iranians".

America is interested in igniting a civil war in Iran.Or the self-immolation of poor Tunisian youth Mohammad Bouazizi on December 17th, 2010, which like a fire was thrown into a gunpowder store and ignited the Arab countries at once. Like a domino it first unseated some Arab rulers and then led to a wave of disturbances. However, the movements did not end in favor of the people in these countries. Even security and stability in certain Arab countries turned into instability and war. The war in the two countries of Libya and Syria and the emergence of ISIS in the Middle East after the Arab Spring showed the other scary side of civil protests in these countries. Now after more than 10 years, foreign countries and hegemons are intervening it in their internal affairs. Also, it is an undeniable fact that the policies followed by American leaders led to the emergence of ISIS. Michael T. Flynn, the former head of the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, announced in a televised interview with Al Jazeera that the growth of ISIS was a direct result of the United States' support for the Syrian rebels, whose core fighters were al-Qaeda in Iraq. In an interview Rodanil McAdams, head of the Ron Paul Peace Institute, also stated: "The United States has helped the growth of ISIS for tactical and not ideological reasons.”

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, while addressing military cadets in Tehran on October 3, pointed to the role of foreign countries in the recent protests in Iran by raising several important questions, such as why did the President of the United States and Congress support the rioters? Why in France, where once in a while an unrest breaks out in the streets of Paris, there is no instance in which a US President or Congress supports rioters? Is there a history of sending a message that “we stand with” you? In this media war full of false narratives, minds are made to reflect and think. Therefore, the experience of people's uprisings in the West Asian region shows that most of the people's movements that are formed with the aim of reform and revolution, finally, in most cases, they are directed toward the material and political interests of arrogant powers in the world, even if it is in conflict with the wishes of the people. This can be seen and investigated in the story of the formation of ISIS in the region that followed the Islamic awakening or the Arab Spring. 

In view of the numerous narratives regarding the root causes of the recent incidents in Iran, it is the security and power of the Islamic Republic which have unsettled the foes. The main components of this security and power are Iran’s nuclear industry, regional power, missile and drone technology. When the world powers notice that a country is not in moving in line with their wishes, they try to find an excuse to undermine the security of that country. And if they succeed to do so, they can easily undermine that country in other areas as well. To do so, one of the common ways is to create insecurity and trigger civil war in which a group of people take up arms against another and fight against their own countrymen. This happened in Libya in a way that a group in the east and another in the west clashed with each other. They created a civil war in Syria as well. America is also interested in igniting a civil war in Iran. If there is a civil war in Iran, then Iran will not be able to resist the pressure from the United States. 

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