40,000 solar panels to generate income for the underprivileged

TEHRAN – By the end of this year (March 21, 2023), 40,000 small-scale solar power plants will be installed for the underprivileged, Seyed Morteza Bakhtiari, head of the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, has said.
A memorandum of understanding on the construction of 550,000 solar power plants has been signed between the Basij, the Ministry of Energy, the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, and the Welfare Organization, he explained.
The Ministry of Energy is committed to purchasing the electricity produced by the families for 20 years.A total of 110,000 solar panels will be allocated to the underprivileged under the coverage of the Relief Foundation and the Welfare Organization over the next five years.
He went on to state that the share of Relief Foundation is to provide 40,000 solar power plants this year and the welfare organization's contribution is 30,000.
In this plan, the Ministry of Energy is committed to purchasing the electricity produced by the families for 20 years, he said, adding, producing electrical energy from renewable sources and helping to increase the national GDP are other positive consequences of implementing this plan.
Solar-powered photovoltaic panels convert the sun's rays into electricity by exciting electrons in silicon cells using the photons of light from the sun, which is the cleanest, most reliable form of renewable energy, and can be used in several forms to help generate electricity along with income.
The budget bill for the current [Iranian calendar] year (started March 21) has allocated 400 trillion rials (nearly $1.3 billion) from the oil revenues to implement a housing plan for low-income families.
The construction of 90,000 housing units has been entrusted to the Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation under the housing plan.
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