An interview with the author of the book “The Hajji Qasem Whom I Know”

General Soleimani's true personality will never be understood

July 13, 2022 - 18:42

Two years have passed since Sardar Soleimani's martyrdom, and as more time goes by, we discover more about him and come to understand what a magnificent person we have lost.

This book contains the memoirs of Lieutenant-General Qasem Soleimani's comrade Hojjatoleslam Ali Shirazi about their 40-year friendship. 

Ali Shirzai credited General Soleimani's success to his determination to go from Kerman to Tehran once a month to see his parents, even at the height of his reputation and glory and despite his hectic schedule.

“Another interesting part was that despite being a military leader, General loved youngsters and enjoyed conversing with and aiding them,” he said. 

“The most notable quality of General Soleimani, in my opinion, was his devotion to the people. He even stated in his will that his life would be sacrificed a thousand times for them,” he added. 

When we asked about General Soleimani's leisure activity, Ali Shirazi said that the general had a great passion for reading and that he usually observed him reading with extreme exhaustion. 

There are so many things we haven't heard from him yet, like how he was quite funny and enjoyed cooking, according to his comrades!

“Even when things were tough, he was considerate of the soldiers and insisted that their food be served hot and with cool drinks,” he added. 

He cared deeply about the families of soldiers and martyrs, and Ali Shirazi remarked that when a fighter's child became seriously ill, Haj Qasem would travel to Iran, in any case, to accompany that child to the hospital and check on his or her well-being.

In this book, his comrade expresses the commander's sole wish to be martyred.

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