Mana Characters

The "Mana Characters" book series has recently been published by Soore Mehr, which was compiled by the Mana Characters research group.
The group has compiled biographies of people who are unknown or lesser-known yet were involved in a variety of political, scientific, economic, and artistic activities during the revolution, using archive information from the Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization. Hussein Qomi, Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini, Muhammad Farzan, Salman Harati, Gholam Reza Saeedi, Tahereh Safarzadeh, Muhammad Ali Daei al-Islam, Jafar Shahidi, Majid Sharif Waqefi, and Baha'uddin Mahallati are among the people introduced by this collection.
Some of the books in this series are written by Muhammad Ghobadi, who has a master's degree in Iranian history from the Islamic period.
* What were your concerns when you decided to write the books, and how did you come up with the idea?
In 2009, I and a group of researchers from the Art Bureau discussed how to use famous figures from diverse social, political, cultural, and artistic fields as role models for educated young readers who do not necessarily study history. As a result, we developed the Mana characters group to introduce these characters and began working on it with the help of writers who were interested in and experienced in those subjects. We have been able to publish about thirty books so far, twelve years after its inception, and the process is still ongoing.
* Is it necessary to preserve oral history in today's society? How did you make a historical book more engaging?
I must mention that the "Mana Characters" collection is a collection of research books, with interviews and oral history serving as one of the sources for their creation. Also, we aimed to have a fluent text with normal literature to convey a research work rather than thinking about the interestingness of a text, which was of course on our minds. On the other hand, we wanted our readers to read a history that focused on characters rather than events.
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