There is no rhetoric in the book!
Davood Khodaei's latest work, "Hitler's Mansion," focuses on a period in Iranian history in the city of Tabriz before and after the Islamic Revolution.
The story's narrator, a member of the Qajar family, unintentionally encounters an incident that forever changes his life. The story begins in 1941 with the arrival of Germans and Russians in Tabriz, followed by the events of the Islamic Revolution, including the role of the narrator's parents in the revolution, and finally the events following the revolution.
* Where did the story's initial idea come from?
A collector once held an exhibition of German accessories in 1941. After seeing the exhibition, the story's initial idea formed in my mind, and after the idea was approved with a little help, I began writing it and finished it in nine months.
* Please tell us a little bit about the story.
The novel depicts the life of a Tabriz resident and member of a Qajar family. This character is in prison for some reason, and while there, he is attempting to explore his past. Through his exploration, you will learn a lot about things that have happened in Tabriz.
* So knowing history and politics were required for writing this story?
Yes. That's why I had to do so many studies before I could write this book. Throughout the story, I used a variety of historical books and photo collections about the Qajar family to demonstrate the architectural, cultural, and political context of Tabriz over time.
* What made you decide on this title for the book?
One of the novel's central characters, who is involved in numerous events, lives in a mansion that has been symbolically compared to Hitler's mansion. Before the Germans vanished, this character was the last one who was in contact with them. He considers himself to be on an equal level with Hitler and believes that the Russians have a problem with him because they are at war with the Germans.
* What age range is the book appropriate for?
Teenagers and adults. There are stories in this book that I believe are the book's main feature, and there is no rhetoric in the book; everything is told through the lens of documents and events.
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