Diplomat urges global action against use of ICT for criminal purposes

TEHRAN - Iran’s ambassador to the UN has stressed the need to adopt a convention that promotes international cooperation against crimes committed through use of information and communications technology (ICT).
Majid Takht-Ravanchi made the remarks in a statement to the Ad Hoc Committee for Elaboration of the Convention on Countering the Use of ICT for Criminal Purposes.
Takht-Ravanchi said that criminals are exponentially misusing ICT to carry out their illicit activities which often transcend geographical boundaries.
“As such, a strengthened collective response at the international level within a sound international legal framework, one which promotes harmonized and context-specific regulations and sets standardized operating procedures for expedited international cooperation, is more than necessary,” Press TV quoted Takht-Ravanchi as saying.
The Iranian envoy also stressed that the Islamic Republic has long been among the strongest advocates for an international cybercrime convention, and thus co-sponsored resolution 74/247, pursuant to which the Ad Hoc Committee was established.
He further commended the invaluable efforts of Russia and China in proposing a draft convention that deserves to be considered as a basis for discussions in the Ad Hoc Committee.
“With the support of all Member States, we have now before us a singular opportunity to elaborate on an international convention under the aegis of the United Nations. We need to revisit the raison d’etre of such process in the first place, by way of which, we concur that the convention should, amongst others, aim to effectively promote, facilitate, support and expedite international cooperation and assist States Parties in the fight against such crimes,” Takht-Ravanchi said.
“Our collective response to the use of ICT for criminal purposes could be well-realized through a vision that cherishes a shared future in cyberspace for all, with equal opportunities and without discrimination.”
Meanwhile, he emphasized that a cybercrime convention should endeavor to ensure that its signatories uphold the fundamental principles of international law, in particular, sovereign equality, territorial integrity, and non-intervention in domestic affairs of other states.
“In this context and taking into account that promoting international cooperation among states is expected to constitute as the purpose of the convention, no state shall hinder cooperation among other states in countering such offenses, particularly, by adopting unilateral measures to the detriment of any state party,” the ambassador noted.
“Therefore, member states should desist and refrain from promulgating and applying Unilateral Coercive Measure which, in violation of the fundamental principles of international law, stymie effective cooperation among member states and undermine the ability of states to fight the ever-evolving crimes perpetrated by the use of ICT.”
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