Journalist says U.S. embassy is blackmailing Albanian police over an MKO trafficking report

TEHRAN — According to investigative journalist Olsi Jazexhi, Albanian police head Gledis Nano "has gone insane" over a dossier delivered to the U.S. embassy in Albania alleging that the anti-Iran Mujahedin-Khalq Organization (MKO) intended to smuggle over 400 members to France.
Albanian media reported on Thursday that the country's police had notified the U.S. embassy that members of the MKO terrorist group are involved in a variety of illegal operations across Europe, including human trafficking, and that they may have ties to the Daesh terrorist organization.
One of the sources that covered the story, Gazeta Shqiptarja, then withdrew the item and replaced it with a statement from the police alleging that the leaked report was a "false do The US embassy, according to Jazexhi, an Albanian historian and social activist, is blackmailing the police.
"Albanian head police Gledis Nano, who most likely wrote the report to @USEmbassyTirana, has gone insane," he said in a Twitter thread after revealing that the MKO pushed Gazeta Shqiptarja to remove the item.
"The letter was most likely delivered to Gazeta Shqiptarja by a police insider." "Shqiptarja withdrew the item but does not dispute its veracity," he stated.
U.S. has its sights set on Iran and Turkey
According to Jazexhi, the Albanian police chief was promoted to his position by the U.S. embassy in Tirana after working as a spy for the Albanian counterterrorism police, where he jailed dozens of Albanian Muslims, expelled the Iranian ambassador from Albania, and loyally served the U.S. and Israel rather than his government.
"Gledis Nano has received training in the United States and Israel."
"A significant policy objective of the United States in Albania in recent years has been to crush the Muslim population and limit its relations with the Muslim world, particularly Turkey and Iran," he stated.
He noted that Albania is home to both the MKO and the FETO, a reference to the Turkish government's term for the Gulen movement, the Fetullah Terrorist Organization.
According to Jazexhi, Albanian authorities have not denied the arrests of key MKO leaders for transporting drugs and trafficking refugees to Europe.
"Even though the Albanian State Police declared their leaked [report] to @USEmbassyTirana to be 'Fake,' they HAVE NOT disputed that key Mojahedeen commanders have been detained for transporting drugs and trafficking people to Europe," he said.
Greece and Italy 'gone insane' over MKO operations
The journalist also said that security forces in Greece and Italy have gone "crazy" over what the MKO terrorist group is doing in their countries.
"Greece is particularly concerned about the operations of the #MaryamRajavi mafia in Athens," he said, referring to the MKO by its leader's name.
"In August 2020, when Interior Minister Sander Lleshaj wanted to illegally deport MKO defector Ehsan Bidi to Greece – on orders from Maryam Rajavi – and most likely kill him at the border, the Greek embassy in Tirana and its Ministry of Interior were placed on high alert!"
He said that the MKO has ties to the Afghan mafia and has utilized Athens to bring members to France. "Mehdi Abrichamchi transported Hadi Sani Khani to France via Athens in February 2021," he added.
The Italian government, Jazexhi continued, has gone insane over the MKO's actions, with the Italian secret service "horrified" of the group's involvement in the Adriatic, despite the fact that the MKO has recruited Italian politicians like Giulio Terzi to lobby on its behalf.
Exit News in Albania reported in December that two MKO members had been detained for drug smuggling, human trafficking, and money laundering.
Members of the infamous MKO terrorist group are free to operate in the United States and Europe, and they even host large events attended by prominent American, European, and Saudi authorities.
The MKO initiated a campaign of bombings and assassinations in Iran after it was created more than 50 years ago. Approximately 17,000 Iranians have been killed in terrorist attacks over the last four decades. The MKO accounts for roughly 12,000 of fatalities.
In 1986, members of the MKO departed Iran for Iraq, where they were supported by former Iraqi tyrant Saddam Hussein. They were transferred from Camp Ashraf in Iraq's Diyala Province to Camp Hurriyet (Camp Liberty), a former U.S. military station in Baghdad, a few years ago, and were eventually sent to Albania.
The West has actively promoted the MKO as an "Iranian opposition organization."
Until 2012, the cultish organization was on the U.S. government's list of terrorist organizations. The MKO was likewise removed from the European Union's (EU) list of terrorist organizations in 2009, seven years after it was blacklisted.
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