Iran, Finland stress joint cooperation

TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and his Finnish counterpart Pekka Haavisto held talks in Tehran on Monday.
The two chief diplomats discussed bilateral relations. The two said the level of trade between the two countries is unsatisfactory.
The two countries' foreign ministers had met in late September 2021 on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
In a joint press conference, Amir Abdollahian said he and the Finnish foreign minister held talks on different issues, including bilateral relations.
“Iran-Finland relations are stable and on the right track,” Amir Abdollahian stressed.
He added that in the Raisi administration the foreign ministry is focusing on a balanced foreign policy, and Iran's new vision is to look at all parts of the world, including Europe.
He said that Europe has provided an important capacity for Iran's foreign policy and that Tehran does not see Europe summarized only in the three countries (Germany, France and Britain) that are party to the 2015 nuclear deal and are now participating in the Vienna talks.
“While welcoming the development of relations with these three countries, paying attention to other European countries, is of interest to Iran,” he added.
He also said, “I am very happy that my esteemed colleague recovered from the critical situation of the Coronavirus and that was the reason for the delay in his trip to Tehran.
I'm glad we were able to meet today. This is the second meeting after (the meeting in) New York.
Referring to his meeting with the Finnish foreign minister in New York, Amir Abdollahian said the two countries have plans to develop bilateral cooperation, and an agreement was reached in New York on developing ties.
Iran’s top diplomat noted that about 11 cooperation documents were discussed in the Monday meeting, in addition to the development of academic and scientific cooperation, particularly in the fields of science, technology and safe drinking water.
The Iranian chief diplomat also said Tehran is aware of Helsinki’s special attention to situation in Afghanistan and hot issues in West Asia.
“We are aware of Finland's attention to developments in the West Asia region and Afghanistan… We continue to emphasize the need for the formation of an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan.”
The foreign minister also referred to the meeting between Finland’s foreign minister with Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s special envoy for Afghanistan, saying the two sides held detailed talks at the presidential office.
Amir Abdollahian added, “We welcome the return of tranquility to the region and cessation of military attacks against the Yemeni people as well as the cessation of the escalation of the war and focus on lifting the blockade as well as Yemeni-Yemeni ceasefire and talks. We hope these meetings will be the basis for increasing bilateral relations.”
Amir Abdollahian says some of Iran’s demands for lifting sanctions have not been met yet
On the nuclear talks in Vienna, Amir Abdollahian also said that in reviewing the latest texts obtained from the Vienna talks some of Iran’s demands for lifting sanctions have not been met yet.
“We focused on the latest texts as a result of Iran's negotiations with the P4+1 and the non-papers exchanged through Mr. Mora,” he said.
Enrique Mora is deputy secretary-general and political director of the European External Action Service (EEAS) who coordinates the Vienna talks.
After a break in which top negotiators had returned to capitals for consultations, negotiations will be resumed in Vienna on Tuesday.
“(Iran’s chief negotiator) Ali Bagheri and senior negotiating experts in the coming days will focus on the document to be agreed on.”
The other parties will return to Vienna and show their commitment to the JCPOA commitments,” Amir Abdollahian stressed.
He added, “For the past ten days or so, in our intensive meetings with the expert groups in Iran, we have focused on the latest texts that have emerged as a result of Iran's negotiations with the 4+1, as well as the non-papers exchanged through Mr. Mora.”
“We hope to reach a final agreement at this stage. Whether we can lead the negotiations to a good agreement in the coming days now depends on the initiative, intentions and behavior of the three European countries and the American side,” he said.
He emphasized, “We will continue our efforts to reach a good and even speedy agreement with optimism, good faith and seriousness.”
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