Private investors to help revive historical texture in Semnan

TEHRAN – The private sector will be collaborating with the north-central city of Semnan to revive its historic texture in the near future, the head of the Fund for Development of Handicrafts and Handmade Carpet and Revitalization and Utilization of Historical and Cultural Places has announced.
Cheshmeh-Ali, a popular tourist destination in the province is also scheduled to be restored and revived by the investment of the private sector, Hadi Mirzai said, CHTN reported on Wednesday.
So far, some of the historical monuments and aging structures across the province have briefly been ceded to the private sector to receive better maintenance and preservation, the official added.
The main population centers of Semnan province lie along the ancient Silk Road (and modern-day Imam Reza Expressway), linking Rey (Tehran) with Khorasan (Mashhad). While few visitors spend much time in the area, driving through you can easily seek out several well-preserved caravanserais (notably Dehnamak and Ahowan), cisterns (the Cafe Abenbar in Garmsar is a special treat), and ruined mud citadels (Padeh is lumpy but fascinating). The large, bustling cities of Semnan, Damghan, and Shahrud (Bastam) all have a small selection of historic buildings and Semnan has a fine old covered bazaar.
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