Yemen’s revolution leader on surrender and martyrdom

TEHRAN - The leader of the popular Revolution in Yemen says the events developing in the country today are a testimony that “achieving the goals of the aggression has become impossible.”
In a televised speech to the nation, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi says Yemen will not accept deals and bargains which maintain the status quo of a “suffocating siege and attacks on our people”. Al-Houthi stressed any peace deals or agreements in which the Yemeni nation remains being intruded upon and the “interference in the affairs of our people continues” will not be accepted.
Footage showed the speech inaugurating “the anniversary of the martyr” being viewed at multiple large venues with a very high number of people in attendance. Al-Houthi said “the anniversary of the martyr will be a glorious occasion that our people will celebrate every year with many cultural and charitable activities”, expressing awareness about the significance of the occasion.
He added that “the revival of this occasion gives the moral and humanitarian value of martyrdom and martyrs and embodies the faith affiliation among the priorities, actions and commitment of the Yemeni people”, explaining that the “interaction of our dear people expresses interest in the value of this faithful, humanitarian and moral occasion."
He continued "the circle of martyrs and sacrifices is wide and includes many of our people, while many are in a state of waiting and ready to sacrifice," stressing that every step is vital in order “to confront tyranny and combatting tyrannical projects of enslavement which has a human value that gives pride to the soul."
Al-Houthi pointed out that “the sacrifice of the martyrs is the highest sacrifice in the way of God and provides power to the weak and to the nation, and these sacrifices have been met by God with his vast generosity”. He noted that “the view of martyrdom as a calamity, ordeal and pain is a negative view that is far from faith and Quranic awareness, and it [negatively] separates the issue of martyrdom from the reality of the matter."
He pointed out that the forces of evil and tyranny do not leave us to live as free people as God wanted us, stressing that this requires Yemen to act in accordance with our choice of faith “as a nation yearning for freedom and independence."
Al-Houthi says that “the tyrants want to occupy us and plunder our capabilities and enslave us” in order to advance their interests only, pointing out that the problem of the enemies with us is that “they cannot comprehend our willpower so they seek to break our will with their tyranny and with their aggression, killing, comprehensive war, militarily, economically, with their media and culturally.”
In an indirect reference to the Saudi-led coalition waging war on Yemen he pointed out that Muslims in all their countries [unknowingly] are nations being targeted by enemies with military, security and economic conspiracies and soft war, explaining: "the enemies of the [Muslim] nation want to rob it of its freedom, dignity and independence, and these are the most important fruits of Islam."
Al-Houthi stressed that “there is no value in an Islamic religion in which a person is a slave to tyrants and humiliated in front of criminals,” stressing that “the value of Islam is for a person to live free, proud, and lofty, moving according to God’s instructions and enjoying his pleasure in this world and the hereafter.”
Al-Houthi also stressed that the secret of the “heroic acts of our young people who are winning on the battlefield is their great spirituality with which they take to the front lines”, pointing out that "our young generation today is a generation that loves martyrdom, and therefore it is a free generation that is resistant to enslavement and is resistant to humiliation and surrender."
He pointed out that the enemies have been taken aback by “how our youth go to the frontlines with diligence, patience and steadfastness and how they take heroic positions in the battles,” pointing out that officials in all countries have been surprised by the steadfastness and sacrifice of our youth on the battlefield, even when they are barefoot. Al-Houthi noted that he sees in Yemen’s “martyrs” an integrated school of thought that embodies values and morals when it comes back to attitude and action, considering that "the value of martyrdom is that it enhances in us a state of patience and steadfastness, regardless of the challenges."
The Leader of the Revolution also emphasized taking care of the families of the martyrs, adding: "We have the responsibility to take care of the poor families and this is their right and our duty." He highlighted how the National Salvation Government and in particular the Ansarullah movement takes care of the families of those who fall on the battlefield saying that “what we offer to the families of the martyrs, officially and normally “is not a price for giving to the families of the martyrs, considering that the only price that rises to the level of their sacrifice is God's pleasure and heaven.”
He insisted that "our big responsibility is to continue this journey with diligence, to carry the flag firmly, and to move with a high spirit of readiness to give and give," adding that “we presented from our side some of the most precious men, those who when we remember them we would feel ashamed should we neglect [the move to sovereignty] or to fall short in our mission after everything they offered us, they sacrificed their lives.”
With regard to the aggression and the continuous siege on the country, Al-Houthi stressed that today's events testify that achieving the objectives of the aggression [to declare victory in the war on Yemen] has become impossible. He pointed out that "the whole world tells them that there is no interest in your aggression, and you have failed in it, and you will not reach your goals," explaining that "our continued defense of our people and our freedom is a right position, a just cause, and a correct, wise and legitimate position with all considerations."
He reiterated that "we accept peace and do not accept surrender, and to achieve this [the Saudi-led coalition] have to stop their aggression, lift their siege and end their occupation," further saying "we are not an aggressive nation or people, but this is the case of the coalition of aggression, because they are the aggressors against us without any justification or right to continue attacking us."
"God does not accept our submission and surrender, and that we enable them to hold us back, and that we confiscate our freedom and independence for [Saudi Arabia and America]."
At the conclusion of his speech, the leader of the popular revolution said: “We are proud of every sacrifice we make, and future generations will be proud of it, they will enjoy the fruits of this steadfastness and generosity with independence and freedom.”
Saudi Arabia, backed by the United States, led a war on Yemen in early 2015. Riyadh has yet to achieve any of the goals it set out at the start of the military mission.
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