New round of Vienna talks kick off, EU calls talks positive

November 29, 2021 - 21:11

TEHRAN — On Monday, Iran, and the P4+1 nations gathered in Palais Coburg Hotel in Vienna to discuss ways to lift the illegal sanctions imposed on Iran by the U.S.

The informal coordination meeting of JCPOA participants without the presence of Iran and the U.S. was convened in preparation for the official meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission and the opening of the seventh round of the Vienna talks at 13:30 local time.

The Iranian team then entered Palais Coburg to join the P4+1 countries. 

Having walked away from the deal, the Americans can't be in the talks. They are in a separate hotel with Europeans shuttling between them and the talks relaying what's going on.
Iran’s chief negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani made his introductory remarks, setting out Iran’s demands for lifting all sanctions.

After the meeting, EU coordinator Enrique Mora told reporters that the JCPOA Joint Commission will discuss sanctions removal on Tuesday, and the nuclear working group will start working on Wednesday. He then went on to say that Iran has agreed to resume the talks from the sixth round, but has insisted that the new Iranian administration’s “political sensibilities” be incorporated into the talks.  He also called the talks "positive".

Mikhail Ulyanov, the Russian ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations, described the talks as “quite successful,” saying that the participants agreed on further immediate steps.

The sides will reconvene on Tuesday. 

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