Iranian team wins 9 medals in IOAA 2021

TEHRAN – Iranian students grabbed 9 medals in the 14th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA 2021).
The Iranian delegation won 2 gold, 5 silver, and 2 bronze medals and an honorary diploma at the competition, held in Colombia on November 14-21, IRNA reported.
Sepehr Mizanian, Sahand Akramipour were the gold medal winners, Tara Rezaei Kheirkhah, Zahra Maleki, Mohammad Taha Jalali Nadooshan, Sahand Esmailzadeh, Amin Zamani won the silver medals, Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Mousavi, Omid Reza Nazari Bokaei gained the bronze medal and Yahya Ghasemi Suraki received the honorary diploma.
International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics is an annual event for highly performed high school students from all around the world.
Established in Thailand in 2006, it was initiated by five countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Iran, China, and Poland with the aim to proliferate astronomy among high school students, to foster friendship among young astronomers at the international level so as to build cooperation in the field of Astronomy in the future among the young scholars.
IOAA 2020 was held in Slovakia, where Iranian students grabbed 8 colorful medals.
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