Iran responds to E3+US statement

TEHRAN – Iran has rejected the leaders-level statement of the three European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal and the United States, underlining that it will not seek to develop a nuclear weapon.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a statement on Monday that nuclear weapons have no place in Iran’s defense doctrine.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran has always emphasized at the highest levels that in accordance with the fatwa of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the prohibition of the production and use of nuclear weapons, it will not seek to build nuclear weapons. In addition, these weapons have no place in the defense doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Khatibzadeh asserted.
He added, “As a responsible signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always cooperated properly with this technical and specialized body within the framework of safeguards. And it has shown its goodwill by fully adhering to its obligations even one year after the illegal and irresponsible withdrawal of the United [from the JCPOA].”
Khatibzadeh welcomed the intention of the other parties to fully return to fulfilling their obligations, adding, “The criterion for us is the action of the other party. Contrary to its stated positions, the new (U.S.) administration continues to pursue a policy of maximum pressure that leads to new sanctions or the re-imposition of previously lifted sanctions.”
The spokesman further emphasized: “After the necessary time for the establishment of the new government and conducting appropriate investigations, as well as after consulting with partners and consultations with the coordinator of the Joint Commission, it was announced that negotiations to lift sanctions will begin before the end of November.”
Khatibzadeh clarified what was announced in the statement of the leaders of the four countries regarding the production of highly enriched uranium and enriched uranium metal by Iran. He said, “Contrary to the statement, the production of highly enriched uranium and enriched uranium metal, as previously stated, was for peaceful purposes and had civilian uses, including medical and fuel supply to Tehran's research reactor, and it should be noted that such positions were untrue and will not bring constructive results.”
The spokesman concluded, “The so-called nuclear crisis, which is exaggerated in this statement, is no more than a manufactured and propaganda crisis. In any case, the current situation is the result of irresponsibility and non-compliance with the implementation of the commitments by the governments issuing this statement. And the illegal withdrawal and violation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) by the U.S. government and the inaction of the European parties in fulfilling their obligations have led to the current situation.”
The Iranian statement came in response to the statement issued by the leaders of Germany, France, the UK, and the U.S. on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome.
These leaders accused Iran of seeking to develop a nuclear weapon, underlining that they won’t allow it to obtain such a weapon.
“We, the President of France, Chancellor of Germany, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and President of the United States, met in Rome today to discuss the risks posed to international security by Iran’s escalating nuclear program. We expressed our determination to ensure that Iran can never develop or acquire a nuclear weapon and shared our grave and growing concern that, while Iran halted negotiations on a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) since June, it has accelerated the pace of provocative nuclear steps,” the joint statement said.
The statement also accused Iran of restricting “cooperation and transparency with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”
“We agreed that continued Iranian nuclear advances and obstacles to the IAEA’s work will jeopardize the possibility of a return to the JCPOA,” the leaders of the E3 and the U.S. said.
They added, “The current situation underscores the importance of a negotiated solution that provides for the return of Iran and the U.S. to full compliance with the JCPOA and provides the basis for continued diplomatic engagement to resolve remaining points of contention – both our concerns and Iran’s.”
They said they are “convinced that it is possible to quickly reach and implement an understanding on return to full compliance and to ensure for the long term that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes.”
According to the E3-U.S. statement, “Return to JCPOA compliance will provide sanctions lifting with long-lasting implications for Iran’s economic growth.”
This promise for sanctions lifting was made hours after the U.S. Treasury Department imposed new sanctions on Iran targeting a number of Iranian individuals allegedly involved in Iran’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program.
Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh has condemned the U.S. Treasury’s latest sanctions on real and legal Iranian persons.
Khatibzadeh said the imposition of new sanctions on the Islamic Republic shows a contradictory behavior on the part of the White House.
He added that a government that talks of returning to the nuclear deal but follows in the footsteps of former U.S. President Donald Trump sends the message that it is not trustworthy, according to the Iranian foreign ministry.
The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said various administrations in the U.S. have proved the extent of their incapability to understand the realities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Khatibzadeh noted that such moves are a continuation of the Trump administration’s failed policy of maximum pressure and its illegal and oppressive sanctions. He added that the policy has failed to produce any results and it will not yield anything but new setbacks for the U.S.
The foreign ministry spokesman reiterated that these pressures and sanctions will not undermine the determination of the Islamic Republic to defend its honorable people’s security and peace.
He added that Tehran will forcefully continue down the path of sustainable development.
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