By Mohammad M. Farahani

America cannot confront Husseini ideology: political activist

September 25, 2021 - 19:9

TEHRAN - A Lebanese political activist says that America and its allies cannot confront Husseini ideology of resistance movement.

“The resistance movements are endorsed with the authentic Islamic thought, learnt from the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, and the infallible imams, may God’s peace be upon them,” Hussein al-Dirani tells the Tehran Times.

“It is not possible for America or any other force to confront the resistance ideology; they have nothing but moral decay and social and family disintegration,” al-Dirani notes.

U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan after a twenty-year war showed that military dominance could not determine the fate of wars if a nation chooses resistance.

Now many observers can expect U.S. exit from Iraq and the region in its entirety.

“What they possess of military power proved its failure in the face of peoples, as the last defeat we witnessed for the Americans was Afghanistan, where they fled and went off their tails between their legs,” the Lebanese activist argues.

Al-Dirani adds, “Previously, we witnessed such a scene in Lebanon when the American troops fled after resistance axis’ strikes that made them take the sea as a way to run away. We will see his escape from Syria, Iraq and Yemen very soon.”

Following is the text of the interview:

Q: How do you see the impact of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein on the memory and political life of the Islamic Ummah?

A: The martyrdom of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), his family, and his companions on the tenth of the month of Muharram in the year 61 AH in Karbala was the biggest tragic catastrophe in human history to this day.

 The personality of Imam Al-Hussein has a special characteristic for all Muslims, as he was the grandson of the Messenger of God, as he said: “Hussein is of me and I am of Hussein.”

As mentioned in the hadith of his grandfather Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him): “Al-Hasan and Al- Hussein are the masters of the youth of Paradise.”

As it came in another hadith, he is the Imam: “Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein are two Imams, rising or sitting.” He is the son of Imam Ali; may God’s peace be upon him. 

Therefore, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, was an icon of revolution, the voice of the oppressed people, and the refuge of the weary. He showed us the path of resistance and represented the conscience of all humanity.

Q: How did the name of Hussein remain in the minds of Muslims and Shias during the past centuries when there were no media?

A: The mourning ceremonies for Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, that was established since the first day of his martyrdom kept and revived his memory in the minds of Muslims and Shias. 

Another element was the presence of Imam Hussein’s sister, Zainab, as of steadfast resistant woman when she arrived in the Levant and the palace of the then caliph, Yazid, besides Imam Ali bin al-Hussein Zain al-Abidin, peace be upon him.

These two figures played a media role to spread the injustice of Yazid, and the oppression of Imam Hussein, his father, and his family, where he gave his well-known speech in the Yazid Palace.

Yazid felt the speech might overthrow his rule when the present people in the palace started crying in for the grandson of the Prophet. 

Organizing Husseini ceremonies and revival of rituals in different countries, among various nationalities and ethnicities were the main source of the sustainability of this revolution emotionally, culturally, and in the media.

Q: What is the impact of the Husseini uprising on the resistance movements in the region from Palestine and Lebanon to Yemen? What are the lessons learned by the resistance from the direction established by Imam Hussein?

There is no doubt that Imam Hussein’s uprising, peace be upon him, and his revolution against unfairness was a torch that cast the light on the right path where the free revolutionaries are inspired by in their fights.

In Lebanon, Imam Musa al-Sadr mobilized the Lebanese people to resist the occupation and the Zionist rule, to alleviate the pain of the deprived people and defend them since the seventies of the last century.

He was impressed by the revolution of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, adopting it as a model, a path, and a practical approach in all his jihadist and political movements and orientations. 

Thus, the resistance course continued and achieved great victories on all fronts with the Zionist enemy to this day.

A well the resistance axis has successfully fought the new takfiri enemy created by the global arrogance front represented by the racist, terrorist American administration and its mercenaries in the region.

Suffices to reflect a little on the slogans raised by the resistance forces in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, and the rest of the Arab and Islamic countries during their public and private celebrations: especially their perpetual slogan:

Ibn Ziad (Imam’s enemy) left two choices for us; war or humiliation. But no way for humiliations, because God and His Messenger have forbidden us to prefer obedience to mean people over the honorable.”

This is what the resistance learned Imam Hussein’s movement, peace be upon him, not to surrender and acquiesce to tyrants, but to resist injustice, aggression, oppression, and occupation without fear until defeat the enemy or martyrdom. In both cases, we will achieve eternal life, honor, and dignity.

Q: Can America confront the Husseini ideology of the resistance axis through military ways and occupation? It seems that Imam Hussein’s behavior can be interpreted as a “soft influence” because their teachings infiltrated the hearts and minds of people. Is America able to confront such an influence?

The Husseini thought is a religious belief firmly rooted in the hearts of the Muslims. No force in the world can resist and defeat such an established belief, no matter how militarily and financially powerful it may be.

Yes, the U.S. administration spends a massive budget on research centers and strategic and media studies to discredit those who belong to this authentic Husseini and revolutionary thought. It does not hesitate to continue the military, intelligence, and media war against the resistance movements.

The resistance movements are endorsed with the authentic Islamic thought, learned from the Prophet, may God bless him and his family, and the infallible imams, may God’s peace be upon them.

It is not possible for America or any other force to confront the resistance ideology; they have nothing but moral decay and social and family disintegration.

And what they possess of military power proved its failure in the face of peoples, as the last defeat we witnessed for the Americans was Afghanistan, where they fled and went off their tails between their legs.

 Previously, we witnessed such a scene in Lebanon when the American troops fled after resistance axis’ strikes that made them take the sea as a way to run away. We will see his escape from Syria, Iraq, and Yemen very soon.

Q: Do you predict that the Arbaeen marches will extend to other countries and religions in the coming years and decades (that is, after the pandemic has been A: contained in Islamic countries)? 

What we witnessed in terms of participation in Arbaeen marches in Iraq and outside Iraq before the Corona pandemic was beyond imagination and expectations; it was like a human hurricane.

The number of participants in the Arbaeen march in Karbala reached 25 million pilgrims from inside and outside Iraq beyond the scope of human imagination.

Even the foreign media stood dumbfounded when they encountered this phenomenon and the march of millions of people. Then they began to search for the hidden drives that brought these millions to visit and renew the pledge of loyalty to Imam Hussein.

Its message is nothing but a revolution and an uprising against injustice, tyranny, and arrogance. We also witnessed the participation of tens of thousands of Christians and Sunnis in this march, which confirms that this march has a global message that does not reduce to a particular sect or religion, even though the Shias have the largest presence in this march.

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