Iran: JCPOA-related cameras are inactive

TEHRAN — Iran’s new nuclear chief said on Wednesday that he had briefed MPs sitting on the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy about IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi’s visit to Tehran.
Mohammad Eslami stressed that Iran's peaceful nuclear program should advance quite transparently with an observation of the parliamentary Strategic Action law.
“We should not allow ourselves to be accused of secrecy in the world,” Eslami told reporters.
Eslami also said that the Westerners were obliged to provide technical assistance to Iran in nuclear industry under the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA), but this commitment was not fulfilled.
Under the JCPOA, Iran agreed to put limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for termination of economic and financial sanctions as well as technical assistance in the nuclear field. Based on the agreement, Iran also agreed to implement the additional protocol which allows intensive inspections.
“What Iran has been achieved in the field of nuclear technology is based on domestic research and development, and no one can stop this,” emphasized Eslami, a graduate of civil engineering.
He emphasized that one of the important goals that is on the agenda under the leadership of the president is to increase production of nuclear electricity to 8,000 MW in an “immediate plan”, so that people can see the benefits of the nuclear program and this must be done in the areas of health, environment and agriculture as well.
Noting that it is important for the International Atomic Energy Agency to act in accordance with the rules and regulations, the nuclear chief added, “The parliament emphasizes the implementation of the law on Strategic Action, so there is a room for negotiations and future meetings.”
He also said that the main concern of the MPs was that the Atomic Energy Organization should show determination to advance the nuclear plans and that the realization of these plans should not be delayed under the influence of commotion launched by dissidents.
Eslami also said MPs insist that the AEOI must make efforts to use the capacity of international organizations.
He added, "We must also create conditions for the parliament to ensure that the law is being implemented and that the advancement of nuclear programs affected by the harassment of others will not be stopped."
The AEOI director also said the rules of the IAEA and Safeguards entail monitoring of nuclear sites by the IAEA cameras.
He said the IAEA is monitoring the nuclear activities of all countries that signed the NPT.
“This continuity of awareness of the nuclear procedure is done all over the world, in addition to the obligations that Iran owes under the Safeguards. We must be transparent,” Eslami pointed out.
According to the AEOI chief, during the recent terrorist operations, a number of the IAEA cameras were damaged and this issue led to two extremely “harsh” and “destructive” reports by the IAEA.
In order to clear up the ambiguities, he said, a meeting was held with the IAEA director general and “firstly, we are sure that with the achievements of this meeting, there are no ambiguities regarding Iran’s peaceful nuclear program for the IAEA.”
“Secondly,” he added, “We will not continue the JCPOA obligations, which according to the law of the parliament should not continue.”
According to the Strategic Action plan passed by the parliament in December 2020 the AEOI is obliged to expedite nuclear activities such as installing advanced centrifuges, increase the level of nuclear enrichment to 20 percent, don’t allow inspections beyond Safeguards agreement, etc.
Eslami confirmed that the General Assembly of the IAEA will be held next week and he will participate in it.
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