Iran slams politicization of Syria chemical file

TEHRAN — In a statement read on Thursday, the Iranian envoy to the United Nations slammed the politicization of the chemical weapons file used in Syria by a certain number of countries.
“It is extremely disappointing that the Syrian chemical file has been politicized by a certain group of countries,” Zahra Ershadi said in her statement.
Ambassador Ershadi also called for an end to the recent trend that weakens the authority of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the legitimacy of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
As a major victim, Iran strongly condemns use of chemical weapons by anyone.
The following is Ershadi’s statement:
“In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.
Madam President,
I would like to begin by congratulating you for presiding over the Security Council this month.
We reiterate our full support for the Chemical Weapons Convention and the promotion of its authority.
As an advocate party to the Convention, Iran will spare no efforts for the realization of the objectives of this vital instrument.
To that end, we also attach great importance to, and call for, the full, effective, and non-discriminatory implementation of the Convention.
We also strongly call for the Convention’s universality. To achieve this noble objective, the Israeli regime must be compelled to join the Convention without any precondition or further delay.
As a major victim in contemporary history of the most systematic use of chemical weapons, Iran strongly condemns the use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere, and under any circumstances.
As an active member of the OPCW, the Islamic Republic of Iran also underlines the essential importance of ensuring independent, impartial and professional work by the OPCW.
This is of outmost importance especially with respect to the issues related to the implementation of the obligations by States Parties, including the Syrian Arab Republic.
Once more, we acknowledge the vital importance of the efforts of the Syrian Government in implementing its obligations under the Convention.
The complete destruction of its chemical weapons program in the least possible time and under severe conditions proves the importance of such efforts of the Syrian Government.
We welcome the recent submission by Syria of its 93rd monthly report on its activities related to the destruction of chemical weapons and their production facilities.
We also positively note the ongoing preparations for the meeting of the OPCW Director-General and the Syrian Foreign Minister as well as for the 25th round of consultations with the Declaration Assessment Team (DAT).
It is extremely disappointing that the Syrian chemical file has been politicized by a certain group of countries.
This trend, which has undermined the Convention’s authority and the OPCW’s credibility, must stop.
It is in the interest of the Convention, the OPCW, the rule of law, and the maintenance of international peace and security.
Supporting the new approach of the OPCW and Syria to conduct high-level dialogue, we encourage both sides to engage constructively in this process and hope this initiative will yield positive results.
I thank you, Madam President.”
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