Iran says won’t rush to recognize Taliban

TEHRAN — Speaking at his weekly press briefing on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh reiterated that Iran seeks the establishment of an “inclusive” government in Afghanistan, and is ready to facilitate intra-Afghan talks.
He added that what the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said about Afghanistan has been Iran's firm policy on the country over the past 40 years.
“We have always stood by the people of Afghanistan and our priority has been to ensure peace, stability and progress in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is our dear neighbor. It is in our realm of civilization, and a statement I read at the ministry last week emphasized that the lives, honor, and properties of the Afghan people must be respected by all groups in the country. What we think will bring peace and stability to Afghanistan is the formation of an inclusive government in this country that reflects the ethnic and demographic composition of Afghanistan,” he elaborated.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on August 29 that the Islamic Republic backs the people of Afghanistan regardless of who is in power.
Ayatollah Khamenei wished peace and prosperity for the Afghan nation, saying, “May God bring the best situation for the nation of Afghanistan.”
The Leader described Afghanistan as a brotherly country which shares many affinities with the Iranian nation.
“Afghanistan is our brother country, with the same language, religion, and culture,” the Leader noted.
Khatibzadeh added, “In this regard, the responsibility of the future government of Afghanistan will help fulfill their definite obligations, and we are waiting to see the formation of an inclusive government and the commitment of that government to fulfill its responsibilities, and based on that, Iran and the international community will make their decisions.”
The spokesman said that what Iran seeks is that Afghans decide for their future.
“What is clear from the statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which I have read before, is that we seek the people of Afghanistan to decide their own destiny, and no force outside Afghanistan can decide for the people of Afghanistan and their future. Afghanistan should be allowed to create an inclusive government in the country by facilitating inter-Afghan dialogue, not a minority government against the majority or a government with only one group, but a government that reflects the demographic and ethnic composition of Afghanistan,” he elaborated.
Khatibzadeh said that the Taliban, as a group, is part of Afghanistan and part of the future of the country.
“We have announced ourselves to hold the second round of inter-Afghan talks in Tehran. Of course, this depends on the fact that all groups can participate in it,” he added.
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