Winners of Khayyam International Exhibition of Photography announced

TEHRAN – The 8th edition of Iran’s Khayyam International Exhibition of Photography announced winners in the six categories.
Iran’s Focus Photo Club organizes the competition annually with the help of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP).
In the Open Monochrome category, the PSA Gold Medal was awarded to M. Yousuf Tushar from Bangladesh for his photo “Journey for Lives”.
Jamshid Farajvand-Farda won the FIAP Gold Medal for his photo “Peace”, while Australian photographer Yongxiong Ling received the Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal for “Going Home”.
The PSA Gold Medal in the Open Color section went to Alexander Zelinskiy from Russia for his photo “Di Liman”.
Ajar Setiadi from Indonesia won the Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal for his “A Pair of Birds”, and the FIAP Gold Medal was awarded to Paolo Stuppazzoni from Italy for “Vibe in Rosso”.
In the City category, Jasmina Gorjanski from Croatia won the PSA Gold Medal for “Freezing in the City Center”, and the FIAP Gold Medal went to David Sadler from Scotland for “Outside Dhaka New Market”.
The Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal of this section was given to Spanish photographer Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz for “Niemeyer Colors”.
The FIAP Gold Medal in the Conceptual Photography section was awarded to Iranian photographer Qasem Sahrai for his “Revive a Life”.
Mohammad Rezai from Iran also won the PSA Gold Medal in this category for “Seize”, and Hesameddin Baqeri-Kaffash’s “Alone” received the Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal.
Chinese photographer Xingzhi Yan’s “Funeral in the Snowstorm” was honored with the FIAP Gold Medal in the Travel category.
The PSA Gold Medal of this section went to Vladimir Karamazov from Bulgaria for “The Hand of the Sun”, and Iranian photographer Mostafa Bidokhti’s “Ancient Lake” won Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal.
In the Minimalist Photography section, the FIAP Gold Medal was awarded to Iranian photographer Amin Fayazi for his “!Footprint”, while the PSA Gold Medal went to Franco Rubini from Italy for “Intimacy”.
Irish photographer Catherine Bushe’s photo “The White House Cat” won the Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal.
Photo: “A Pair of Birds” by Indonesian photographer Ajar Setiadi won the Kamal-ol-Molk Gold Medal of the Open Color section at the 8th Khayyam International Exhibition of Photography in Iran.
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